XLVI ; Stayed Up All Night 4U

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When Minho opens his eyes, he is surprised to see the white sheets of the bed around him.

He sits up slowly to realize that he is no longer on the couch in the living room but in bed.

His brow furrows but he shakes his head a little ignoring that strange fact, standing up after stretching.

The room is very quiet and the lights are still off, which makes the little one confused.

He goes to the living room to find that Hyunjin is not there.

- Hyunjin?

He then retraces his steps to go to the bathroom and check the room.

No traces of the swarthy.

Minho blinks. He figures he's probably downstairs wandering around the hotel.

So he hurries to take a quick shower and brush his teeth before leaving the room to look for the taller one.

Walking alone in the long halls of the place when outside is still dark is somewhat stressful, but he pays no attention to this detail.

He continues his search until he enters a huge room filled with tables and chairs. At the back of it, a kitchen, where the employees had to prepare the dishes served in the hotel.

A sound from there captures his attention.

He walks towards the kitchen, bypassing the tables at which frozen people are seated, then once in front of the kitchen doors, he breaths silently. He knows well that only Hyunjin can make a noise given the time that has stopped.

So he pushes open the doors, turning his gaze to his right, not noticing the taller one walking in his direction, head down with a tray in his hands.

The tray holding the tallest's breakfast meets Minho's chest as the two boys gaze at each other.

A sound of plastic hitting the ground is heard, followed by the sound of glass shattering into a thousand pieces and a light sigh coming from the swarthy.

Minho blinks as he looks down at the other's now ruined meal and then looks back at him with a sorry expression on his face.

- O-Oh, Hyun', I'm sorry, let me fix it...

- N-No, no, it's nothing, there's still a second tray.

Hyunjin grabs the smaller's arms to make him sit up and smiles at him lightly but tiredly.

Seeing the dark circles of the taller one, Minho raises his eyebrows and displays a concerned look.

- Hyun'... You look tired...

- Let's just say I haven't had the best of nights.

He laughs embarrassedly, now scratching the back of his neck.

- Did you at least sleep...?

- Barely, but... Look on the bright side, your lunch is still intact!

Minho starts blinking.

- What?

- The second tray was for you... I spent part of the night learning to cook your favorite breakfast. Here it's definitely not the equipment and the ingredients that are missing, haha.

Minho stares at the taller for a moment, remaining silent. A soft smile finally settles on his lips as his heart warms up.

- I wanted to be forgiven for my action... I blame myself, Minho. You deserve m-

Minho silences the taller by pressing his lips against his, inviting him into a grateful and comforting kiss. He slowly brings his hands to the older boy's cheeks as he smiles into the kiss and brings his hands to the brunette's hips.

His gestures said it all. Hyunjin had just been forgiven.


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