XXXIII ; Memory Fragments

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The bell had started ringing, indicating the end of class.

Hyunjin took his backpack and put it on his shoulder, ready to leave the class to join his group of friends among whom was the only one who managed to make him forget this feeling of being different from the others.

The only being capable of making him forget these words which had not stopped tormenting him since his youngest age.

"If you can't dream, maybe it's because you don't have a heart."

"You're weird... Who doesn't dream, come on?"

"You never dreamed? It must be because you're not creative."

"Are you sure you're human?"

"Maybe you're just different..."

He frowned thinking about it as he walked over to his waving friends.

- Hey Hyun! So, lessons? I hope it wasn't too boring.

He smiled at them, shaking his head from side to side.

- It wasn't so bad.

- Cool. Hey guys, I was thinking of inviting you to my house. My parents are gone for the week and I have the house all to myself. We could have fun!

Minho was the first to respond, shaking his head and his hands in front of him to indicate his opposition.

- Oh, I'm sorry binnie, I have way too much homework to do and I'm struggling a bit to be honest so I shouldn't play dumb and ignore them...

The dark-haired boy with a thin but well-defined face ruffled the older boy's hair, smiling amusedly.

- It's okay, lil' bunny. Another time.

The other boys were all up for the party, but Hyunjin, without really understanding why, suddenly wanted to stay with Minho. This desire also took control over his thoughts.

He scratched the back of his neck somewhat embarrassed as he shared his voice with the others.

- I think I'm gonna have to pass too. I can see that Min' needs a hand...

- Or a hip thr-

Hyunjin punched Yugyeom's shoulder, who let out an exaggerated complaint as he rubbed the affected area.

- Ouch! What was that fo-

He was cut again, the swarthy speaking again as he approached the smaller one to take his wrist in his hand.

- I'll walk Minho back to his place. We'll see each other another time guys! Come on now Min'.

The gang of friends watched the other two leave before whispering among themselves how they were made for each other but how stupid they were not to notice.

It was to believe that there were only them not to notice.

Once off the school grounds, walking to their respective homes on Seoul city sidewalks, Minho looked up at the taller one and smiled at him as he pulled the strap of his bag back over his shoulder.

- Hey, did you manage to dream with the ideas I gave you?

Hyunjin became silent, avoiding the gaze of the smaller one, who understood that this lack of answer meant that he had not succeeded.

- Oh... I'm sorry, Hyunnie...

He couldn't help but smile lightly before finally finding his friend's gaze again, plunging his hands into his trouser pockets.

- ...You are the only one who's always ready to help me, even if the problem turns out to be completely stupid or trivial like mine... No matter what I do, you're there to support me, even if your way of doing things is sometimes questionable...

His smile took on more breadth on his lips, which made the smaller smile in return.

- You've always been the best with me... You are wonderful Min'... You are... The missing part of my heart...

Minho had his mouth half open at Hyunjin's words. He simply hadn't understood the end of his sentence since his level in English was extremely low. But he hadn't dared to ask the question. He had only taken the taller man's hand in his before blowing a simple thank you, his cheeks and his ears having been victims of this rosy color.


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