[Omega] Istanbul - Part 1

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Authors Note: Fluff right now, action starts at part 3


Fade walked down the streets of Istanbul. She shouldered past the clusters of people, her eyes concentrated front, under her furrowed eyebrows. "Coffee" she thought. It had only been a few hours since she landed in Turkey and she hadn't had any caffeine since she left the headquarters. As much as she hated to admit, the strain in her eyelids were impossible to ignore. Fade blinked violently, hoping it would help her stay awake. She whipped her head around continuously, glancing at one colorful shop awning to another. Searching has to become an easy skill when you're a bounty hunter.

Each shop hung dresses, sashes and handbags on racks above fade's head, and beads covered red display tables. Between heads, Fade finally spotted an orange awning at the edge of the street that seemed to write the letters "Kahve." So, Fade quickly turned her body with her shoulders, making her way quickly through the crowd. Strands of her dark-light hair swept her nose as she moved.

An old man stood at the coffee stand. His hands trembled slightly as he circled the small, shiny cezve in the sand. The man nervously peered up at Fade periodically. Only until the coffee frothed, Fade noticed the dark aura from the man- fear. Fade's hair wasn't styled, softly hugging her face at both sides, shadowing her deep set eyes. She wasn't wearing makeup, so you could clearly see the cold bags that folded under her eyes. Her one blue eye gleamed almost unnaturally. Once, Jett had whispered to Phoenix before about Fade's intimidating "resting bitch face", and Fade smirked a bit about the memory that she had overheard (to Jett's defense, she didn't think Fade could sense her fear). Fade's appearance was enough to make the old man fear. She didn't wish for ill intent upon the stranger, but she warmed a bit, being reminded of her power.

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