Chapter Five New Life, New Lies

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After an interesting night in the bed and breakfast, driving didn't seem such a heavy challenge anymore. It was halved in comparison to the state of the B and B I slept in. I should have just pushed the seat back and slept in my car instead.

Half an hour of non-stop driving proved itself to not be wasted when a small sign appeared on the side of the road slightly hidden in weeds that read: 'Welcome to Dreamville '.

I thought for a moment about what an odd name it was. Dreamville? I'd never head of a town with that name before. In a way, it was very intriguing as to what the people inside the town thought of it.

The forest that had surrounded me soon thinned out into small houses. Cute little cottages provided some shade for me while I cruised through the town taking in the scenery. I couldn't see many people but the ones I did see didn't seem to be too bad. They looked friendly and happy. And gullible.

I'd most definitely be able to create a new life here. Nearing the main section of the town, I got some strange looks from the locals. It seemed like they didn't get many visitors which was odd since it looked like such a friendly place.

I saw a small sign reading 'Granny's Diner' and thanked god that a chance to get some food had finally appeared. I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning and I was beginning to feel the hunger inducing effects of that.

Pulling up alongside the worn out diner, I crept up the uneven, crookedly tiled pathway. I could feel the concrete slabs shifting away as I stepped on them. It was as if I was walking on ice blocks in water. Cute little bushes lined the pathway with small pink rosebuds weaved through the vines. Like a wedding path.

As I pushed open the see through door a little chime rang out through the diner. Very few heads looked up to see who it was but then looked back at their paper or food once again, uninterested. I hopped up on a bar stool to my right and lent on the wooden slender table. An old lady dressed in a dotted apron and dotted blouse came to stand in front of me while drying out some glass mugs.

"What can I get you?" She croaked in a hoarse voice.

I looked around the '90s themed diner for a menu board or something alike. Nothing resembling a menu was hung on the walls so I figured it was one of those diners whose customers only consisted of 'usuals'. Every diner I knew served beer and burgers thus I ordered one of both. She shuffled away to another customer a few seats away from me to my left, presumably to take his order too.

Some movement outside the window next to me near my car caught my attention. I peered through a gap in the blinds next to me to see a woman with short dark brown hair staring through the windows into my car, seemingly searching for something. Perhaps the owner.

Hopping back off of the bar stool, I left the diner, another small jingle sounded above me as I left.

She seemed to jump slightly at the noise, probably startled at perhaps being caught peering into a car window. She turned and smoothed her dress taking a deep breath as if preparing for some kind of confrontation.

"Hello, I see you're new here, in Dreamville and I was just looking to see if I could find you." Her smile was sickly sweet and in some way fake. Something about her smile wasn't right. She sounded like she was raised in some extremely formal side of America.

"Yeah, I just arrived," Her body language showed she was listening intently but her face was bored stiff behind her smile. "I hope I didn't park somewhere inconvenient." My tone was questioning, expecting her reply to be one of two.

"No, of course not. Any one is welcome in Dreamville. But you will have to park somewhere else next time." Her expression grew more sweet yet sinister.

"I'm Reyna. I'm the mayor here."


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