Touya's P.O.V (Sleep part 1)

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(Art is not mine)

...God fucking fuck, that was insane... 

"Are you okay, doll?"

...I have to make sure I didn't entirely kill her...

"mhmm, I'm so..."

She trails off.

...Dude she sounds drunk as fuck...

"So what, hm?"

"So tired...That was mm... I want..."

Just like that, her head slumped back on my shoulder attempting to mumble whatever stream of consciousness she had in her brain, and passed out.

She looks peaceful when she's sleeping, but damn that was quick.

...I definitely pushed her past her limit...

I put her on the couch to get a better look at the mess we had just made.

...Crap... There's a lot to clean up...

I look back at her now curled up in a ball tucked away into the corner of the couch. I could leave and pretend like I was never here, but.

...Fucking Christ Touya, you simp bitch...

I'm not going to leave her or her apartment a mess like an absolute douchebag.

Deciding I would take care of her first, I walk to her bathroom to grab a cloth and run it under warm water. I come back and start to move her so I can lay her flat on her back and clean up. I get her on her back and spread her legs and can't help but to laugh to myself.

...Fuck, I did a number on you doll, but you wear that mess so well...

Trying to be as gentle as possible while I clean her up, I don't want to cause any more damage than what I've done.

When I go to wipe in between her thighs she jolts and squeaks out what sounds like a mixture of a laugh and a snort. And I almost fall into a fit of laughter.

...Don't fucking laugh... don't do it... You'll wake her up...

I finish cleaning her up and go to grab the clothes she left on the floor. Picking them up I take note of the shirt she had on. It's got the Alice in Chains Dirt album cover on it.

...She's so cute, oh man...

Clutching the shirt and the pajama shorts I walk back over to her on the couch and dress her. Trying to be as stealthy as they come and ,of course, I get my fucking staples caught on her fluffy shorts.

...Seriously this is the most annoying shit ever...

I try to tug it off but it's not coming out without yanking the fabric and jostling her awake.

...Looks like it's staying here, prick staple...

Once she's finally dressed, I start cleaning the mess we made. I wipe down the windows, clean the toys, and put them back where I found them. Pretty pleased with my work, I see the doorknob on her front door.

...You just had to melt the thing, didn't you?...

No way in hell am I going to leave that all jammed up and destroyed.

...I have a fire quirk but I am by no means a fucking welder... Well, looks like you're going to be one tonight...Simp...

Melting down the metalwork of the knob I try to reshape it back to its proper form for it to work again. It's certainly not pretty, but it's functional and it locks.

...Shiiiiiit, maybe I should've been a welder... This shit looks stellar...

This shit did indeed not look stellar.

...One more thing before I dip...

Rummaging through her fridge and pantry I find a water bottle, snacks, and granola bars. I take them over and sit them on the coffee table next to her.

...I may be an evil bitch, but aftercare is still a must... C'mon, I'm not a total lost cause...

Covering her with a blanket, I take one last glance at her before I go. She's so gorgeous when she sleeps, I swirl a strand of her hair between my fingers. I stoop down to take a closer look at her sleeping figure.

...Her lips, they're so vibrant and plump...

My body moves on its own when my lips meet hers.

...They're so soft...

She's dead asleep, but she kisses me back.

...Fuck, okay... Back off before you wake her up and get carried away...

I break away from the kiss.

...I never even caught her name...

Standing up and getting ready to walk out of the door, my eyes catch sight of a tri-folded paper on her kitchen countertop. 

...Hm, what's this? A bill? This'll have her name on it...

Skimming the details of the paper I finally see it "___, _____".

...Pretty name, good to know...

I also see she's got her cell phone number posted under the details of her personal information.

...Hehe, don't mind if I do...

Whipping out my phone, I unlock it and start to add her number to my contacts.

...Hmmm? Should I use her real name as the contact?... No, how about this...

I put her down as "Doll."
I couldn't decide if I should choose mouse or doll but considering she looks so much like one I figured this pet name would suit her better.

Setting the paper down and tucking my phone away I make my Irish exit.

...Sleep tight doll, I'll be back...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Touya's part came first today ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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