Bonus P.O.V (Jesse)

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(Art not mine)
Light 🍋

...Oh shit, the night has completely gotten away from me. Between the drinks and the chatting. I just noticed the time...


...Shit, shit, shit, shit. Where the hell is ____ I have no idea how long she's been gone since I cut in with her and Hawks...

The band is still very much alive and the bar is still packed to the brim.

Changing my mission from getting booty to finding ___ I start to look through the crowd of drunks to see if she ended up dancing with someone for the night.

...No, that's not her. No, no, no... okay let's check by the bathrooms...

I make my way towards the bathroom passing them and eventually leading myself further down the hallway where more rooms sit.

...This is a pretty long hallway, better not be any sketchy rooms...

I go to reach for the first door when I hear someone speak.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?"

I turn around and see a hooded tall slender figure with hair like mine only a light blue-grey rather than blonde.

"Oh uh, I'm sorry I was just looking for my friend and I guess I wandered too far. Have you seen her?"

I describe to the person what she looks like in hopes they know where she went.

He ponders only for a moment before he answers.

"No, I haven't seen anyone that looks like her around the bar or even back here."

...Is this person okay? Sounds like they need water...

He walks closer to me removing his hood.

...Oh my, where's the moisturizer for this gentleman?...

He and I are about the same height but his build is just slightly more slender than mine.

...Regardless of the skin condition, he's still totally cute...

He narrows his eyes at me.

"Who are you?"

...Fake name it or nah?... Nahhh...

"I'm Jesse."

He hums in response.

"Call me Tomura."

...Name sounds familiar...

"Okay Tomura, how can I help you? I didn't mean to invade your space. As I've said, I was only looking for a friend."

He grins.

"No issue... but I must say, you're an attractive individual Jesse..."

I blush at the compliment, he doesn't look like the type to say things like that which makes it even more palatable.

"Haha, thank you. I gotta say you're pretty cute yourself."

He doesn't smile just keeps his dull expression.

"I have a private bar on the other end of this building, would you like to join me?"

...Crap, I'm supposed to go be on ___ hunt, but what could a few minutes hurt?...

I nod my head and let him guide me to where his private bar is.

We continue down the same hallway I was about to go down alone.

...That's probably why he stopped me, I just would've ended up in a private area not meant for the public...

He guides me to take a seat at the smaller more polished bar while he goes to the other side of it. He takes off his hoodie and I'm a little surprised at what was hiding underneath.

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