Like Shootin' Stars| Chapter 1| Mystreet : Act 1

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"You don't. You think it's unfair. But you'll understand why. Soon. Somewhere, some other place." 

That's what the voice said before guiding the werewolf into the white void of the afterlife. Standing there was a hooded man, the arbiter who would determine his fate—whether he would return to life or not.

"You already know my choice. You should know," the man stated, his gaze fixed sternly on the werewolf.

"I know. You're going to send me back to suffer because, for some reason that only Irene knows, you hate me."

"You know exactly why. Don't play dumb."

"Just send me back already," the werewolf bitterly uttered, refusing to meet the man's eyes.

The hooded man sighed softly, his decision made. He raised his hand, and the werewolf felt himself pulled back into the realm of the living, knowing his trials were far from over.

[.. / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -..]

"Wow, this should be fun," Krystal thought as she boarded the plane. Finding her seat, 17A by the window, she settled in. Two girls occupied the seats beside her—one with a mix of brown and blonde hair, and the other with raven hair and brown eyes, reminiscent of Irene yet somehow different.

"Hello! I love your hair!" exclaimed the brown-blonde girl to Krystal.

"Um, thanks," Krystal replied, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. The girl chuckled warmly. "I'm Melissa, and that's Aphmau," she said, nodding towards her companion.

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Krystal. Where are you headed?" she asked politely.

"We're going to Starlight to visit my brother. He's Aphmau's boyfriend," Melissa replied cheerfully. "He's been staying there for therapy, and I thought it'd be nice if she could finally visit him."

Krystal smiled, feeling a twinge of empathy for the man in therapy. "I'm heading there as well."

Aphmau grinned excitedly. "Oh! Maybe we'll see each other around the amusement park then!"

Krystal laughed softly. "Maybe we will."

[ .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / ..- ... . / .- / .-- .. ... ....]

Aphmau, Melissa, and Krystal settled into their seats on the plane bound for Starlight, each brimming with their own thoughts and excitement for the journey ahead.

Aphmau, exuding vibrancy and adventure, leaned over to Melissa with a grin, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Can you believe we're finally going to Starlight? I've wanted to go since I was a kid!"

Aphmau and Melissa had been anticipating this moment for what felt like an eternity, though realistically it had only been 12 hours of flying over endless stretches of ocean. The excitement in Aphmau's voice was palpable as she leaned against the window, eyes fixed on the ocean below.

"Wow! The ocean looks so beautiful!" Aphmau exclaimed, her voice tinged with joy.Melissa chuckled softly, accustomed to Aphmau's infectious enthusiasm. "All we've seen is the ocean for the past 12 hours. How does it look more beautiful than all the other ocean we've seen?"

Aphmau turned to her friend, a wide grin on her face. "Well, the water's looking more clear and blue, and it's just got a different kind of shade to it!"

"Mm-hmm, and..." Melissa prompted, enjoying the playful banter.A squeal escaped Aphmau as she couldn't contain her excitement. "The closer we get, the more excited I am! I can't help it, I'm just so happy! I'm going to see Aaron, and you have no idea. How much longer until we get there?"

Irene's Hope| Mystreet S6| Aphmau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now