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"You're gonna help me up these stairs, right?" Serenity looked over at Jay, wincing in pain. She had been complaining all night about her side and back, but not even Jay could stop Serenity from coming to see about RJ.

Two days.

That's how long RJ had to be gone before the police decided to step in and call this what it was, Kidnapping, plain and simple. Randy may have been listed on RJ's birth certificate, but he was far from being a father.

Serenity was devastated when Emory called her breaking down. She didn't want to believe Randy would do something so stupid, but it's been two days and still no word. The dumb fuck even had enough sense to dump his cellphone so Jay pinged a dead end.

Jay frowned as he leaned over and grabbed Serenity's hand from opening the door. "Are you in pain still?" She had just made seven months and refused to sit her ass still.

Serenity shrugged, "Little bit. Nothing too serious. Dr. Nguyen said it's just Braxton hicks, just feels close to the real thing... shit," She took a deep breath as another pain hit her in the side.

"Hang tight, I got that door," Jay shook his head. Serenity was hardheaded and there was no use in arguing with her. "Bout to have my ass carrying you." He fussed as he walked around the car to open Serenity's door. Jay held out his hand and just as Serenity stepped out the door, her water broke.

"Oh shit." Serenity stood, slightly panicked as liquid pooled at her feet. "What do I do?" She cried out on the verge of an anxiety attack.

Jay wasn't far behind as he stood dumbfounded in shock.

"Jay," Serenity cried out. Jay sprang into action.

"Oh fuck babe," He ushered Serenity back towards the car. "We gotta get to the hospital. Fuck, we forgot the bag. Do we call Dr. Nguyen?"

" Baby, it's too early," Serenity spoke in between breaths. "Call my family. Have them meet us at the hospital."

Jay was nodding in understanding while shooting Shy, Em, and Yuri a group text.

The ride to the hospital was hectic to say the least. Between Serenity's painful screams and Jay's constant swerving, he was thankful they even made it without getting pulled over.

Slamming into park in the emergency room entrance, Jay hopped out of the car and ran inside to grab a wheelchair. Anxiety coursed through his veins as sweat formed on Jay's forehead. Although he knew this day would come, he was not prepared.

"Come on baby, get in the chair," Jay pulled Serenity's door open, attempting to pull her from the car.

Serenity winced in pain as another painful contraction hit her. "I can't move, I need to push," she cried out.

"What?! The hell you do, we're right here babe, just-" Jay tried rationalizing before he was cut off by a screaming Serenity.

"I cannot move Jay, I have to push!" Serenity screamed frantically while spreading her legs open. Jay damn near fainted as he noticed the baby's head crowning.

"You didn't have panties on with that dress?" Jay asked while frowning at the sight before him. He didn't know what else to do or say. Serenity was for sure out of it if she thought Jay was about to deliver their baby. "Somebody help!" He yelled out towards the door. A few patrons came running out followed by a couple of nurses.

"We're going to have to deliver here," one of the nurses called out while checking Serenity out. "The baby's crowning."

"Is that safe?" Jay asked, pacing. "She's not full term, does that matter?" He shot off questions frantically. Serenity was crying and screaming his name, people were watching, the moment was too intense.

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