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Shyara and Yuri were laid out across Shy's couch talking about Randy's trifling ass. Shy couldn't believe he thought it was okay to leave RJ with Liz. On top of that, Yuri and RJ had been sleeping at her place for two days now and not once had Randy called to check in.

"I'm telling you Shy, I could have killed his stupid looking ass! Then he had the nerve to have my house nasty, like... Ugh, I just feel like I'm raising two kids." Yuri complained.

"That's because you are

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"That's because you are." Shy stated matter of factly. "Randy does the shit he does because he already knows you aren't going to do shit about it. The first time you put your foot down, I guarantee he'll get his mind right."

Yuri sighed heavily. "I know. I just, I don't wanna throw him to the wolves Shy. He had it rough growing up a-"

"And you didn't?" Shyara yelled, cutting Yuri off. "If anything that should have been motivation for his ass to go hard! Instead, he allows his woman to grind while he reaps the benefits. You're a better one than me cousin, cause ain't no way!" She scoffed.

"Shy, you know me... And you know my heart. He has no one else, and every time I try throwing him out, his ass always reminds me of that. What am I to do? He's still RJ's dad."

"Unfortunately." Shy rolled her eyes. "You're just gonna have to give it to him straight. Ain't no way you should be taking care of your son and his grown ass father Yuri! I used to feel bad for Randy's ass until I realized he wasn't even making an effort to change his situation. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, if you can get out here and make shit happen, so can he! McDonald's is always hiring! 7.25 is a huge step up from nothing. The problem is you have that nigga spoiled. I can't fault you for looking out for him the way you did, honestly, I commend you for that. Enough is enough though. He's a leech and he's hanging on because he knows that you're gonna keep him straight."

Shyara had never sugar-coated the truth, and she wouldn't start now.

Yuri needed to stand her ground when it came to Randy. He either had to get his shit together and pull his own weight, or step the fuck off! It was that simple.

"I hear you Shy." Yuri stated, running a hand through her hair. "I'll have that conversation with him when I go back home because I'm done. It's like he doesn't even care to try. If he can't even look after our son properly while I handle business, I have no use for him."

Serenity walked through the door carrying bags. Her presence put an end to the girl's conversation.

"What Y'all doing?" Serenity asked sitting her things by the door and plopping down on the couch.

"Chatting." Shy frowned. "Take your things to your room Serenity. I hate when you do that."

"Oh God." Serenity groaned, getting up to put her bags away. Shyara was anal about keeping the house a certain way.

"Oh God nothing, and bring your ass right back too!" Shy yelled behind her little sister. Serenity was doing the most now that Gutter had gotten her a car, she stayed on the go.

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