Entry #2

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Hi Mom, well many interesting things happened this week while I wasn't writing.

My friend Harry, y'know the one I was writing about previously? Well he just left to head back to England! He stayed for more then a week and it was just amazing to finally see him...

I've began to like him now even more then before when we were just texting eachother. It's pretty amazing if you ask me.

I'll explain what happened, when he first cam we hugged immediately and didn't let go for about 5 minutes. His hugs are so heart warming, it's like a huge bear hug. His arms just wrapped around me perfectly and it was just overall amazing to finally see him. Mom you would've teared up at the sight, because I balled my eyes out.

But in a good way of course.

We then went back home and I showed him around the house, he liked the moderness of the place, but honestly none of our furniture match so I have no clue what he meant by that.

My room is still the same colour so nothing about that has changed, he liked the designs I put myself.

I made a list of things to do and show him, we accomplished maybe 3/4 of the list, he made his own list and decided he would take me out for dinner, and mom it was amazing.

He took me out for Italian, it was his first time eating Italian too, I was so happy.

He ended up loving the food there and wanted to eat more but was to full. He would also tell these jokes that weren't funny, but that's what made them funny.

The stupid jokes are always the funniest y'know? You always laughed at dad's!

By the way, his jokes are still not funny.

After dinner we listened to music, and we just sang our hearts out. It was probably the most fun I've had in years.. I just couldn't stop smiling. You know that feeling where you just can't stop smiling if the world depended on it? Well if the world was in my hands, we all would've died haha. Terrible to say but it's so true. He's just so positive and it makes me feel like I'm flying.

Anyways, after dinner we kinda just stood there on the side walk and looked at eachother, I mentioned how wonderful dinner was, something in the back of my mind was saying how he was gonna kiss me.

He did it. Mom I had my first kiss... on the inside I was just freaking and had butterflies bursting in my stomach. But of course on the outside I played it cool and smiled at him.

Now I just want to know what this makes us... are we dating? Or will this be it, one time thing.

Because I don't do flings for the sake of it.

I want a long term relationship, not a friends with benefits thing. Disgusting.

But when he left, I felt like half of me wasn't here. I became super upset, so dad called my therapist and now I'm gonna see him on Tuesday to see if anythings changed.

Lets hope all goes well....

Love you mom, Kody.


Ey guys, sorry school has been so hectic lately and y'know, school is important so that's my main priority for now.

Plus this year I suppose is important because I'm graduating whoo! But then I'm back to school in September ew. Okie dokie well I hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

Can we get this chapter to 3 votes? Maybe 1-2 comments too? Thankyou all for reading and getting this tory up to 385 reads! That's a huge number!

Okay well see you in the next update!!:)))

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