Chapter 6

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Harry: dude

Harry: dUDE

Harry: DUDE

Me: omg stfu Im sleeping you dip wad

Harry: How r u not excited at all...

Harry: I'll be at your house tomorrow!!


Harry: I'll be at Kodys house wowowowowo

Me: oo that's tomorrow? Gonna have to cancel


Me: Yeah sorry, Im just toooo ugly...


Me: lmao chill ur tits wowowowo

Harry: :(

Me: Love you harryyyy<3333

Harry: Love you too I guess

Me: Anyways when you coming in tomorrow?

Harry: I should be in by 10am picking me up still.. right?

Me: Obviously, I wanna be the first to meet you other than my father and Abby..

Harry: They still cool with me sleeping at ur place right?

Me: Yuppers Harry.

Harry: You don't realize how ecsatic I am Kody.

Me: I cant wait to see you:)

Harry: I'll wear a suit! Yessss

Me: No just wear normal clothes please!!

Harry: Fine, well im gonna pack so I'll see you tomorrow love.

Me: Bye harry.

I started to tidy up the place, making me remember what Harry said.. "First impressions are key."

"Hey dad, I wanna know where Harry will be sleeping."

"With you wouldn't he?" He questions. His eyebrow raising with curiosity.

"Huh? Like,in my bed? With me?" I laugh at the thought, Harry would sleep taking up the whole bed leaving me curled up in a ball. He is pretty tall.

"Yeah why not. Live a little Kody." I also squirm at the thought, "Oh and use protection." He winks leaving me more awkwarded out and squirming even more then before.

"Not gonna happen dad!"


Todays the day I meet Harry. Wow.. I've never thought that I would be meeting someone off the internet. Everyone else who I knew would talk about meeting their internet friend but here I am actually doing it.

I stand before the elevator because that's where I told Harry I would be, I am also holding a sign that says, "Harreh Styles pls."

Internet lingo that we would only understand, Harry told me his plane had landed and he would be down in five minutes. I start to feel so nervous and shy.

Then I see him, riding down the elevator wearing that beautiful smile and trying to run down the elevator to see me faster.

Finally face to face he hugs me and I lift myself up to wrap my legs around his waist and start to cry. This man means so much to me that Im over happy to see him. We both hug eachother as tight as possible and I start to laugh while sniffling and I hear him do the same. I put my head out to look at him and kiss his check which surprises us both but it's so worth it right now.

"It's nice to meet you Kody, Im Harry." He smirks.

"Oh shut up you goofball I know who you are." I smile at him, "I'm just so glad you're here."

"I know Kody, as am I. Now lets get to the place where you call home so I can see this list you prepared." He takes my hand and we skip down the hall to my car, and we drive away.


"You know Kody, people at the air port probably thought we were a couple. Whatever bestfriends who act like a couple, it works." He shrugs while laying in my bed. As soon as we got to my place he ran upstairs to find my room and when he did he jumped onto my bed and has been laying there ever since.

"Well all I'm going to say is your check was very warm." I laugh.

"Let me see the list." He groans, he's also been acting like a child since we got into the car. I hand it to him and he skims through it and when finished he questions, "Why is kissing not apart of this?"

"Didn't think it would have to be." I shrug.

"Hand me a pen please Mrs. Kody." I look around and hand him a blue pen which he gladly takes and writes with, when I get the paper in his messy writing it spells kissing.

"So when will I get that kiss Kods?" He smirks.

"Not sure, before you leave, maybe after." I smile.

"Kodyyy..." He whines, "I can't wait just give it to me now."

"Uhm how about no." I hear him get up from the bed and he twists me around making me look at him in the eyes, he has stunning green eyes.

"How about yes?" He growls making me gulp, but his famous smirk stands on his face.

lmao this took a wild turn around HAAHDSGBKRUSGIABEV

Im so happy with the progress this story has made so far! Thankyou so much for over 180 reads<33

Remember every vote and comment counts! Bye:)

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