Chapter 1. Fatal Iron, The Goal

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"Your data is far too low average. You cannot defeat me, Lucario." Iron Valiant states

Lucario uses force palm which causes Iron Valiant to crash into a light pole.

"Science is so complicating." Lucario sighs

Iron Valiant turns their right arm into a repulsor cannon.


Iron Valiant blasts Lucario into a wall. He goes through the wall and afterwards gets piled over by debris.

"Organics like you have no place in this world! You have no desire to make better use of yourself! No yearn for knowledge or true power! Which is why: You must die!" Iron Valiant says as it twirls it's melee weapon

A focus blast knocks Iron Valiant aside. The robot regains it's balance and faces her assailant.

"You talk too much." Croagunk said

"This battle has already begun to bore me. Let us leave my friends." Commodus announces

"Pikachu, thunderbolt!" Ash commanded

Pikachu uses thunder bolt.

Commodus stands there and takes the attack. It was ineffective. The leader of Team Gladius smirks and shows his special mesh that he hid under his suit.

"My turn!" Commodus said

Commodus pulls out two writing pens

"Writing pens? You're going to stab me to death?" Pikachu laughed

Commodus clicks them both. The one in his right hand turned into a mace and the one in his left hand turned into a shield.

"Now tremble!" Commodus shouts

The Leader of Team Gladius ran INCREDIBLY fast! He ran as fast as a Greninja! When he got to Pikachu he whacked the mouse Pokémon down to the dirt. Pikachu suffered from a concussion.

"Pikachu!" Ash shouted

The champion of Galar rushed towards his partner and began take the hits for him

"I can do this all day!" Commodus said

"Ninjask! Use Aerial Ace!" Paul commanded

His Ninjask uses aerial ace with fierce precision and ferocious strength! Commodus blocked every attack then counters with a perfect shield throw, swatting down the Ninjask.

"Sir! We have everything! We can depart now!" Team Gladius grunt hollers

"Unfortunately for you all, I must go. Iron Valiant!" Commodus calls out

Iron Valiant looks at Commodus.

"Dispose of him." Commodus commanded before leaving.

Iron Valiant turns it's attention at Croagunk.

"Initiating final strike: MOONBLAST!!!!" Iron Valiant shouts


"Target destroyed." Iron Valiant said


Croagunk is unable to battle but he suffered more than just defeat. He suffered from two severe stab wounds. Bleeding heavily, Croagunk reached his hand out to Brock.

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