Chapter 2. New Adventure, New Region

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"There, you're all done." Nurse Joy tells Lucario

Lucario gets off the table and walks to the main lobby.

"Lucario!" Ash cried out

Lucario sees him approached Ash.

"How did it go?" Ash asked

"I'll recover in a few hours. Due to my aura healing abilities of course." Lucario said

Croagunk comes to the lobby.

"Brock!" Croagunk calls out to him

"Croagunk! It's so good to see-"

Before Brock could finish his sentence, Croagunk happily poison jabs Brock.

"It's good to see you." Croagunk smiled

Brock could only groan in pain as a reply.

"Ash, have you decided?" Serena asked

Ash looked at all of his current companions.

"I have to hide." Ash said

They all gasped!

"This is a fucking joke!" Paul said

"You can't just hide!" Iris said

"What happened to that brave boy from Kanto who later became Pokémon master?!" Misty pointed out

"You're looking at him." Ash said

"Doesn't look like it!" Misty said

"Stop me if you have to." Ash said

Ash makes his way to the exit of the Pokémon center. When he gets there, an old friend stopped him.

"The Ash I knew would never hide." The mysterious pokemon said

"That voice..." Ash said

The mysterious Pokémon gave off a familiar aura and gave everyone a feeling of safety. The mysterious Pokémon takes off their cloak and reveals themself as Ash's Greninja!

"Hello Ash." Greninja said

"Greninja!" Ash said

The two of them hugged each other.

" are you here?!" Ash asked

"You have us to thank." A female voice said

Ash looks behind Greninja and sees Bonnie and Clemont.

"Bonnie! Clemont!" Serena said

"We came as soon as we got your invitation but it looks like we missed out on a lot." Clemont said while he fixed his glasses

"Bonnie, you look....older!" Serena said

"I'm 18 now. Because someone said it seems to be the most suitable age." Bonnie grunted

Clemont gave Bonnie a thumbs up.

"Oh that's ok! That just makes my job for finding a keeper for you a helluva lot easier!" Bonnie smirked


"I said I would stop for now. I didn't say I would stop forever." Bonnie pointed out

Clemont balled his eyes out.

"Ash, let's sits down and catch up on what's been going on, shall we?" Greninja suggested

"Greninja?" Someone said

Greninja looks behind him and sees Delphox wearing the blue crystal he gave her.

"Flare." Greninja said

She gives Greninja a hug and sheds tears.

"I missed you so much!!!!" Flare cried

"I missed you too." Greninja said back

"Zygarde and you are done working together?" Ash asked

"Afraid not! Those pieces of the giant rock have once again scattered further throughout possibly the world." Greninja sighs

"First, Team Gladius, now giant rocks?!" Gary complained

"Did you say Team Gladius? They're looking for the pieces of the giant rock!" Greninja said

"What? But they took records of Ash and his Pokémon!" Paul said

"Wait Paul! They did take the records of me and my Pokémon! But not all of them, just my current team in this region." Ash pointed out

"So they don't know about the others? That's good right?" Iris asked nervously

"Barely, look I came here to ask for your help. Team Gladius is working with a professor named "Turo", they plan to use these rocks to empower Pokémon and bend them to their will. How it's gonna work, I'm afraid to find out." Greninja said

"So a new adventure? And this time it's a mission?! Alright!" Misty said

"Ash, it's your call." Dawn told him

Ash looks at Greninja.

"Let's do this." Ash said

Greninja and Ash seals the deal by grabbing each other's hands.

"You all should get yourselves ready. Because we're gonna be traveling a lot!" Greninja warned them

Meanwhile in a region far, far away

"Gabriela? Gabriela?! Where is she?!" A trainer asked himself

A cat/human like figure was seen smelling flowers. It was a Pokémon called "Meowscarada." Her name is Gabriela.

"Gabriela! You had me worried chica!" The trainer said

"My dream is gonna come true, Miguel." Gabriela told him.

"You mean to tell me that "the one" is coming?" Miguel asked

"Yes and he will slay the "evil one." Once and for all." Gabriela said

Gabriela and Miguel looked up at the sky and see the constellation of "The Twins."


The chapter ends with Greninja and Ash training hard together for the upcoming adventure that comes before them and the others. Will they start off their new journey in an amazing start? Or will they be set back by one simple failure? Tune in on the next chapter!

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