Chapter 7

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Allegra POV:
I woke up to my alarm blasting in my ear. It was a Monday and I had to go to school. After yesterday I really didn't want to; I wanted to spend time with Raine.

"Hey Allegra, Eda told me to tell you that your still going to school." Luz said peeking through my cracked door.

"Ok, thanks I guess." I said. Luz left and I saw king go the opposite direction. Then Hooty flying by, he was probably chasing King for some reason.

I had my uniform on, my sleeves red for bard and my pants green and yellow for potions and plants. I grabbed my bag and woke my palisman up. Her name was Iris and she was different from my family's palisman's. The Clawthorne family all had bird palisman but I wanted something different. When I was approached for carving my palisman I was a little obsessed with basilisks so she's based of a one.

"Allegra! Come say bye to Raine!" I heard my mom yell to me.

Bye? What did she mean by that? I jogged downstairs and saw some breakfast on the table.

"Dang ok out the door you two; you two are going to be late." My mom said. She threw me my lunch and ushered us out the door.

"Wait." I said. I turned and saw Raine and gave them a quick hug then ran out to Luz. Iris went into her staff formed and me and Luz flew off.

We had made it to school with a bit of time to spare. "Hey if you want you can hang with me and my friends." Luz said while we walked into Hexside.

"I guess I could tag along if you want." I responded

"Yes actually I do want you to." Luz said and grabbed my hand dragging me over to two of her friends. Willow and Gus. They had been around the owl house a few times but we hadn't properly met. I was almost always in my room or about in town when not in school.

"Hey guys!" Luz said hugging her friends.

"Hey Luz!" Willow said. She then turned to face me. "Allegra right?" She asked me. I nodded in response. "Hey where's Amity?" Luz asked her friends. My mind started wandering and soon I drowned Luz's conversation out.


"Duty calls, see you later Luz." I said, Luz waved bye before her and her friends went over to the field.

I already know what Bump is going to ask me about. My attendance. I only attend my bard classes now and that is the only class I am passing. I like the other tracks I do it's just the teachers are super boring.

I was now outside Principal Bumps office. I cracked the door and peeked through.

"Allegra please come and sit." He said gesturing to the chair in front of him. I walked in and sat down. "I brought you here to talk about your attendance and grades." He pulled out a clipboard with some papers and scooted it to me. I looked down on it to see me failing my plant and potions classes and only passing my bard classes.

"Hey at least I'm passing one class." I said sarcastically looking back up to Bump. He didn't look very impressed.

"Allegra, if you aren't going to attend your plant and potions classes are you wanting to switch to just bard?" He took back his clipboard and flipped to a paper with my attendance. I looked back down at the paper. My attendance in one word was, shit.
"Allegra, would you like to switch your tracks?" Bump asked me again. I looked back up to him again.

"I do like plants and potions its just the teachers." I said sincerely. It was true. I like all 3 of my tracks, it was just the fact that the classes are so boring I want to fall asleep.

"You can still study those tracks in your own time. I just don't want you grades to continue like this." Bump again took back his clipboard but this time kept it.

"Fine, I'll study it in my free time. I'll go all bard." I stood up ready to go to my class.

"Ok I will give you your new schedule later. You made a good choice now go to class." I nodded and went to class.

"Mom! We're home." I set my bag down and saw King sleeping on the couch.

"You moms out at the market!" I heard Raine yell from upstairs.

"Ok thanks!" I yelled. Luz sat her bag down and ran back out the door. I think she said something about going out with her friends. I walked upstairs to try and friend Raine. I found them sitting on the floor in my moms room looking through a photo album.

"What you go there." I said walking into the room.

"A photo album Gwendolyn made with pictures of me and Eda when we were kids." Raine said. I sat next to them and looked at some of the photos.

"When did you two meet?" I asked.
"Oh uhm, we met at this thing for smart kids." They said snarkily. "Uhm ok. Hey where's this photo from." I said pointing to a picture that had Eda and Raine on this hill. "Oh Lilith actually got that one. Uhm that was me and Eda's spot, it's this hill surrounded by snapdragon flowers." They smiled. They touched the picture and looked a bit sad.

"That was the same hill I broke up with her on." They were tearing up a bit, they wiped the tears away. "Mom only ever told me it was her fault and nothing else." I said. "She said that?" They asked me. They had set down the book and turned in my direction. "Yeah, whenever I asked what happened she didn't want to talk abut it and just said it was her fault."

"Funny I always blamed myself for what happened. You know what, lets lighten the mood you want something to eat?" They then got up and left.

Allegra Clawthorne (TOH AU) Where stories live. Discover now