A WHAT!?!?!?

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Dipper and Mabel were outside doing yard work until suddenly Dipper heard a faint voice.


"Mabel did you hear that?!" Dipper exclaimed

"Hear what?" Mabel asked

"I thought... I thought I heard a voice"

"Bro bro, you're hearing things. Well anyway I'm done, meet you at the shack"

Mabel ran to the shack leaving Dipper behind. Dipper finished up what he was doing and walked toward the shack, before he went inside he looked behind him. Seeing nothing he walked inside.

-Time Skip-

"KIDS IT'S BEDTIME!!!" Grunkle Stan yelled

"OKAY!" they replied

Dipper and Mabel both got ready for bed and went to sleep.


Dipper sat straight up panting like he had a nightmare. Dipper checked his clock, it read 1:37 pm. He recalled the rushed vision he had, Dipper remembered that he was in the forest at night and he found this wounded creature. What was the creature again? He had no idea. Dipper decided to prove his vision by finding out. He grabbed his backpack and put his journal, a flashlight, and a first aid kit in it. He tiptoed down the stairs and grabbed his jacket on the way out. Dipper ran into the forest and flipped on his flashlight.


There it was again, Dipper had another vision and knew exactly where the monster was. He raced through the forest then he slowed down.

"It's close" he whispered

Dipper looked around but saw nothing and then movement behind a bush caught his eye. He looked behind the bush only to be scared off his feet!


YES, it was a blue BABY dragon alright!!

Grunkle Ford warned Dipper about these creatures, "They are incredibly dangerous Dipper, if you find one back away slowly and run once you have equal distance between the beast." he remembered "Could it really hurt him? It's a baby after all." Dipper looked back at the beast then he noticed that it was hurt! He had to help it.

Dipper ran to the creature's side, he was glad he brought the first aid kit now. Dipper wrapped up its bleeding side and packed up. Though he thought it must be cold so he gathered leaves and made a leaf bed, Dipper put the sleeping dragon on the bed he made. He didn't have a blanket so he decided to take out his blue vest from his backpack and laid it on the dragon.

Dipper headed back to the shack in hope that the dragon would be safe.

In the morning the blue dragon woke up. It stretched out of the warm vest it was in, a squeak escaped its mouth as it did. It wondered where the strange vest came from, then it remembered, last night it was cared for by this strange boy. The dragon wondered "Maybe I could bring it back" It sniffed the vest and then stuck its nose high in the air smelling it out. Then it found the same scent, it grabbed the vest and ran to where the scent was leading it.

Gravity Falls: The Dragon TrainerWhere stories live. Discover now