Chapter Four

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     Weeks went by and those weeks turned into months. Thomas and I texted, phoned and even skyped for a while when we could. There were brief messages and conversations at first. Then there were fewer and fewer as time went by. I had no time to worry about it, because I was so busy trying to finish my second book and making plans to appear on the Ellen Show. Can you believe it? I'm going to be on Ellen, how unreal is that? She was starting a book club, and someone told her about my book. She read it, and decided that my book will be the first book read in her book club. I don't know what I'm more excited about. The idea that she read my book or that I'm going to be on her show. My girls and I have always wanted to go onto the Ellen Show, so I've taken them with me. Too bad it's not a twelve day Christmas show. They probably would have screamed and cut up worse than they are. Thomas had offered for us to stay at his place while in LA, but I declined. I did not want to take my girls into his place, they would have dug all through his shit. Then they would have sucked me in and I would have been right there with them. Nope, no thank you. Didn't want to put myself in that situation, so we stayed at the Hilton.

     I ended up being the party pooper on this trip but I'm okay with that. I could have done without the party pooper song though. After the Ellen Show I am finally done. Well, almost done with promoting the first book. It will be nice to be home for a little while with nothing to do. It will be a brief pause in my hectic life, but I'm going to enjoy every second of every minute of every moment I have before I have to finish my second book. I really don't think I want to travel as much the next time around. Not that I'm complaining. Well okay, maybe I am complaining a little. It's just, all the traveling has really gotten old. I know that this is my dream, and it's the only thing that I've ever wanted to do. So why the hell am I complaining. I don't know, maybe I'm having a brief moment of insanity or it could be the fact that I'm feeling burnt out. I know that I'm one of the lucky ones. Not everyone gets to live out their dreams like I have. I need to snap out of this. Whatever this is and get my mind right. I do miss home and Thomas more than I thought I would.

     When I arrived home the first thing that I did was draw myself a hot bubble bath. The water was just right and as I soaked, I drifted away into a calm reclusive aww moment. This is exactly what I needed. It had been a couple of days since I've been back home, but several weeks of non-stop ripping and running. So this bubble bath is like heaven to me right now. After a couple of hours of unwinding, I began to feel antsy. So I grabbed my cell and called Thomas. There was no answer, so I left a message. "I guess you're busy working. I've been feeling a little antsy since getting back. I'm missing you more than I thought I would. Call me when you can." I hung up the phone and sat in front of my laptop trying to focus. I began tapping away at the keys trying to put some thoughts down for chapter five of the new book, but it was becoming a challenge. "I've lost my mojo." I thought. I threw my head back in desperation and stared at the ceiling, when my phone buzzed. It was Derek, he was in Virginia on business. (What? He has a job?) I thought. I just thought he was a well off, playboy type. I'm actually shocked he has a job. That's wrong, I know, but anywho. He wanted to come by and maybe have dinner. "Sure come on by." I texted. "Okay love, see you soon, but if you could send me your address, that would be lovely. I'm not psychic, you know." He texted back. "Sarcastic little shit." I said out loud, then I sent him my address. I quickly texted my girls to see who could join us for dinner. "Is anyone available to go out to dinner tonight with me and Thomas' friend Derek? He is in town for business and I would like to show him a good time tonight." Alex chimed in, "I have to work late, sorry." "I'm game text me the time and place." Lindsey texted. "Awesome" I texted back. Then I heard from Stephanie and Tess they were both in. Okay, I have my aggressive friend, my straight and narrow friend and my wild and out there friend."

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