Chapter Ten

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     Two weeks later. I was busy planning Thomas's surprise birthday party. I needed to start planning it early, because I knew I would be busy in the upcoming days. I've spoken with Thomas's mom and Derek and they will be handling the guest and decorating his parents house for the party. I will fly down two or three days before to make sure everything else goes smoothly. For now, I'm doing a few readings of the second book and trying to use social media to get people interested and excited about the upcoming release date of August 2. That's just two weeks before Thomas's birthday. Hopefully, everything will go as planned. My birthday is slowly approaching and Thomas called me and informed me he wouldn't be able to attend the party my sister is throwing me. He has to do an appearance at comic con for his movie The Seventh Journey. I was a little disappointed but I didn't let it show as I told him I'm not some fragile woman that needs her man with her 24/7. It's just another day, it's okay, really, I understand." I said. "No, it's not okay. I really wanted to be there, and it's not just another day. It's the day the world was blessed with you. Since I can't be there with you, I'm sending you a little something that I hope you will keep close to your heart." "What is it?" I asked. "It's a surprise, I hope you like it." He replied. "I'm sure I will." I added. "Well, I hate to go, but I have to get up pretty early in the morning and it's already night here." Thomas said. Natalie, I'm really sorry that I can't be there for your birthday." "Thomas, it's fine. No worries."

     I am so looking forward to my birthday party. I can't wait to just unwind with my family and friends. Have a drink or two and try to embrace becoming a year older. The next day, I received a phone call from Susan saying she needed me in Boston to do a reading for the second book and a meet and greet. "You will be doing the first reading at a family owned bookstore called the Brattle Bookshop and the second one at a Barnes and Noble." Susan said. "Can't we just do some online readings and Q&A to reach a vast number of more people?" "Sure we can do that, but I still need you in Boston, you're already committed. Susan added. "Okay, when?" I
asked. "This weekend." She said, "This weekend! you can't be serious." I said in disbelief. "Yes, I am, I'm so sorry, but this was the only time slot that worked. I'll meet you down there. It will be fine Natalie. I have some unfinished business to attend to here, then I can join you there. If you don't have any plans after your readings, maybe we can have dinner afterwards." Susan said. "Sure, that sounds great, just send me the details." I said.

     Later that day I called Thomas to let him know that I would be spending the weekend in Boston and he informed me that after comic con he would be doing a play called (Lemons) in London. He was happy that he would be able to return home for a while. I told him that I would have to do two readings on Saturday, then I could head back home on Sunday. I have one at noon at Brattle Bookshop and another one at a Barnes and Noble at 3:30. I'm glad it's this weekend instead of next weekend." I said. "That's right you have big plans." He said. "You know I don't, unless you count hanging out with my family and friends along with a lot of laughter and love, being big plans." "Well yeah, anytime you get to be with your family it should be a big deal. Family is everything, it's the foundation of everything that you are. I just wish I could be a part of your special day. I'm so sorry." Thomas said. "Oh my God, Thomas, stop apologizing to me. I told you we're good. It's just another day." I said. "Please, you know you don't believe that. Your birthday is not just another day. Hey by the way have you received my package yet?" Thomas asked. "No, but today isn't over." I said. "Okay, can you let me know when you receive it?" He asked. "Of course I will. Well I need to get out of this house for a little bit, so I will talk to you later. I miss you Thomas." "I miss you too Natalie, be safe on your trip." "You too." I said. "We'll talk real soon." Thomas said. "Okay" I replied. "I mean real soon." He added. "Okay." I said suspiciously. Thomas was being really weird, I thought.

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