Chapter Six

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     When we arrived back at my apartment there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on the island. "Oh my goodness, they're beautiful. How did you do this?" "I got Stephanie's number from Tess and Tess's number from Derek. Long story short, I remembered you saying that besides your mom, Stephanie was the only one who had a key to pick up your mail while you're away. So I called her up and asked if she could bring them while we were out. Do you like them?" "I love them, they're absolutely wonderful, thank you," I said with a kiss. Then I smelled the flowers and took in their intoxicating scent. Moving them slightly to the right of the counter, so I could see them from the living room. "Calla Lilies and Orchids are my favorite." "I remembered." Thomas replied. He kissed me several times softly. Every kiss was so sensual. His kisses lingered and I tilted my head back as he kissed the nape of my neck and worked his way slightly above my cleavage.

     My body pressed gently into his as I teased him with my kisses and ran my hands through his curly locks. With one swift swoop he picked me up and pressed me up against the wall as our kisses intensified. My legs were wrapped around his waist and my hands still in his hair as my sweet spot quivered and pulsated with excitement. He placed his hands behind my back and shifted me down slightly. His eyes pierced into mine as my eyes enlarged feeling his erection up against me. "Bedroom" he asked. "Yes" I panted softly. I tightened my grip around him as he carried me through the bedroom door. When we entered the room there were several more bouquets of flowers and battery operated candles lit all over the room. "Oh my God, Thomas, did you do all of this too?" "The flowers yes, but the candles, that was all Stephanie. Remind me to thank her in the morning.'' I said as he continued to kiss me while laying me onto the bed. My head was spinning. I couldn't believe he had taken the time to plan this. I was so nervous, but in a good way. He raised my arms above my head as his lips glided across my fingers and then moved down my arms. His lips slowly went over my shirt and as his mouth approached my waist he pulled my shirt up and then over my head. His hands were warm as they ran across my waist. He kissed right above my belly button, and I quivered at the thought of what else he would kiss. I wanted his lips on my sweet spot. I wanted to feel him caressing and sucking on my clit. I longed for him to be inside of me. I was breathing so hard by this point. I just wanted to rip his clothes off, and have my way with him.

     The room was so quiet, too quiet. I could hear my heart beating rapidly through my chest. I was moaning and exhaling a little too loud. I felt slightly embarrassed of all the sounds and noises coming from me. I guess my face and body language showed it, because he maneuvered his way back up to make eye contact and said my name. "Natalie, look at me." He said low and seductively. I stared into his eyes, those beautiful seductive brown eyes that could make me do anything and that voice of his. Oh My God, he could melt my panties off with that voice. I exhaled once more, then slowly calmed my breathing. Thomas passionately kissed me then headed back down to my waist. My body was still quivering as his whiskers tickled my skin. "How the hell does he do that? That was definitely some Jedi mind shit." I thought. I began to unbutton his shirt and I leaned forward to kiss his chest. Then I bit down on my bottom lip, as I gazed upon his chest. I couldn't wait any longer to feel his skin up against mine. Damn, he's making me feel so good. He runs his fingers down my side as I locked eyes with him, and I reciprocated. He makes his way down to my sweet spot and as his kisses linger over my panties, I quickly remove them. I shimmed out of my red lace panties and unhooked my bra with one tug. I laid there naked, feeling vulnerable. Thomas leaned back and admired me as his hands stayed caressing my right inner thigh. I bit down even harder on my bottom lip. I was dying here, I wanted this man so bad, I felt like a tea pot ready to blow. I just wanted him to take me right then and there. I wanted to feel him inside me. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him down unto me. I briefly took over and did everything that was done to me, back to him just slightly different. When he let out a moan, and grabbed me intensely, I knew it was time to relinquish my control. He lifted my hips and rolled them back and forth as he did glorious things to me. He was pleasuring me in ways no other man has ever done before. I arched my back while he kissed my inner thigh and ran his fingers across the mouth of my sweet spot. As we both reached our hallelujah, make you say, Amen, several times, I may add. We laid there intertwined. Our naked bodies exhausted, and our hearts beating as one. What we had just given to one another was so raw and intense. At that moment I felt like I was completely his and he was mine. I buried my head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and we settled in for the night. "You have my heart, Natalie," he said as he drifted off.

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