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With todays world anxiety is part of everyone's life, and everyone has different ways of coping. One of the ways, which I personally think is the best and most effective way is to turn to God. His never patience and love is always a sure way to help with anxiety.

1 peter 5:7- cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5 is a amazing chapter I highly suggest taking a minute to pull out your bible or look it up and read it, also 1 Peter is a great book to do a study on.

Matthew 6:34- therefore do not not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

God in multiple places in the bible reminds us to not be anxious about things, and the vast anxiety on him. Over and over again he reminds us he cares, remembering that we only have to please God, not the people around us, when we die ONLY Gods opinions matter. So maybe next time your stressing about a presentation, or some public speaking event, or anything that is making you anxious, cast it in God and remember he is the only one who matters, and he is a loving care God that does not judge. No matter what you do God wants you, he loves and cares for you, in acts he saves Saul, Saul becomes a Christian. Saul is someone who murders Christians but God saves him, a murderer. So trust that no matter what you do, God will forgive you, if you repent and live your life to the best of your abilities for God.

Always feel free to message me with any questions, or anything you want to share I would love to hear from you.

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