The Final Request

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TW: STABBING AND MENTION OF DEATH (this is gonna be a sad chapter so be prepared to cry get some tissues and a blanket, stuffed animal.)

You wake up to no sign of Wednesday and Enid was on her side asleep. "Enid" u said shaking her. "Mmm~" she says turning over. "ENID AJAX IS HERE!" U say. "WHAT WHERE?!" Enid pouts and notices that Wednesday is gone. Then Thing comes running and bursts into the room signing while panicking.

"Slow down!" You say. "Where is she?!" You say. "Crackstone crypt?!" Enid says. "Tell Bianca and get everyone out!" You say to Enid. "What about you?!" She says.
"Enid I'll be fine just go!" You say as she gets dressed and runs out.

"Thing come on" You say while he jumps in your bag "you sneak out the window and jump off the balcony and turn into hawk (NEW POWER/SURPRISE!!)

you use your X-ray vision and see Wednesday chained up and you smell blood it's hers. "My black dahlia" you mumble.

"Well is that nice you decide to show up" Someone says while u turn back . "Jen this is not about u let me by" you say while putting your bag down. "Well how about no" (she a bitch y'all) she says getting ready to take off her necklace. But then it goes black for her and she knocks out.

"Nobody messes with my sister". Someone says. You gasps and runs to her. "ZAE" you say crying. "Shh it's okay I'm alive now you have to save Wednesday if she wakes up I'll hold her off be careful" she warns u. "You were watching me too weren't u" you say

"I have to look after my little sister" she smiles. "Now go" she says. You grab your bag and let Thing out carefully but Tyler grabs you. You yelp and he puts you in front of Wednesday. "Well if it isn't the hero coming to save her beloved Wednesday Addams" She says grabbing your chin. You move away from her but she takes off your glasses and shows u a red marker.

You scream in pain and she kicks u away and Tyler ties you up to the wall. "Y/N! " Wednesday screams out. You sit there panting and trying to see but u can't.

Then miss Thornhill grabs Wednesday and cuts her palm and places it on the statute and throws her off and stabs her. "NO!" you cry out. "WENDS!" u scream and cry out.

She throws Wednesday and u try to break free but can't. "Tyler go" she tells him .
He nods. "YOU BACKSTABBING ASSHOLE!" you scream at him before he leaves and Thornhill slaps u. "Shut up you brat!" She screams at u.

Wednesday's mind: Hell is coming for u nobody lays a hand on my beloved y/n

Then Crackstone comes out and looks at you and u two lock eyes. "Hello my daughter" he says. You kick him away. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" you scream at him. "Fire will rain when I rise" he says before walking off with Thornhill.

Thing comes crawling and he unties u and uncuffs Wednesday and she grunts in pain but she uses her strength to snap twice with Thing to bring your vision back. "Thank you Wends and thing" you say. "Your...welcome" she says almost dying. "WENDS! STAY AWAKE!" you say which makes her jump.
"I'm awake..." She says. You remember your mother necklace. "Thing grab my necklace quick" You say. He grabs it and you whisper something that summons your mom.
"Mom" you say.
"My dearest daughter you have finally figure it out now let me heal u and you heal Wednesday." She heals u and hugs u and goes into back to the necklace.

You get up and run to Wednesday. "Baby! You okay" you say while she just smiles at you. "Ye...yeah..I tried...I really d.." she just stops talking because you kissed her which was healing her. She kissed you back and when u two break apart you help her up.

"Someone coming" she whispers as Thing crawls on to your shoulder.
"Who's there?!" You say. "Relax it's just me" Zae says and u run to her. "Oh!" She says and chuckles and smiles at u. "Ah you must be Wednesday they lucky gal who stole my little sister dark heart huh" she says as you run to Wednesday side. "Actually we stole each other's hearts." She says.

-Time Skip-

You Wednesday and Zae make it to the quad which where you dad was. "Remember what you have to do amor? Wednesday says. "Yeah I can do this." You say.
"CRACKSTONE" you say (You refused to call him dad now).
"How's does thy hearts still beat" he says.
"Get away from them!" Xaiver says as he shoots an arrow at Crackstone but he uses his power to stop it and turn it back but u use your powers to fling it somewhere else.
You remember what your mother say to defeat Crackstone. "Reverse time and break the curse of Crackstone." You start saying you say it again but a bit louder. Reverse time and break the curse of Crackstone!"
You say almost falling over but Wednesday wraps her hand around you waist and pulls u close .

You smile and say it again one last time but louder than you can go REVERSE TIME AND BREAK THE CURSE OF CRACKSTONE!!!" You say screaming and tears running down your face. He pushes u tries back but you stand your ground and slowly walk forward with a knife in your hand and when you get close to him u stab him in his heart and he disappears and u fall to the ground crying.
"Hey I'm here it's okay" Wednesday says holding u. "I...I ..killed my dad " you say sobbing. "Ik it's okay."
You finally calm down and u noticed that Zae was shocked. "Z?" You okay?" You say.
"Bianca?" Zae says. "Zae!" She runs to her and hugs her then kisses her. (PLOT TWIST TTTT!!!) "WHAT IS HAPPENING" you say. "Well um...this is my..........

(Woah this chapter was longgggg sorry it took me so long to get make this I got busy. Big thanks to Gmw17 again for helping me once again with the title they are a big help (love you (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤) Now sadly there are about 6 more chapters in this story but I'll make a second one if you want me to. And sorry not sorry I left you guys on a big cliffhanger hehe ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ but anyways love you byee 🖤

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