T H I R T Y - O N E

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A/N: Reminder that the plot of the original Harry Potter series might not always match up with this storyline!

This chapter might include several pov's due to everything that happens.


How was I supposed to protect Malfoy now. A marriage I didn't want..

Not like this at least..

Being here in the Manor has been horrible for me. I begin to think whether everything would have been easier if when I saw Lucius in the cemetery I left Draco.

Now I'm drowning here, right back at the start and I feel like the only one.


We haven't spoken since the wedding, she doesn't come out of her room and when she does it's only to be tortured in training.

I know she wants out of here, but I also know she's doesn't know how to leave. I know shes afraid to go only to be brought back, I see it all in her.

I hope she realizes how much of a draining feeling it is to be around so many death eaters at all times and to have to go hurt people.

I know that she's drowning here, but I hope she realizes that I am too without her by my side.


Standing in my bedroom did not feel right while everything that was going on.

More and more muggle parents are being murdered on the daily.

When will mine suffer because of me?

"Hermione! Tea's ready, darling" I heard my mum call.

"Coming mum" I said.

I knew I had a choice. I could try to protect them even if I wouldn't be here, or I could leave and take part of them with me...

The part of them that reminded them that I existed.

I walked downstairs to find my parents watching tv.

I could drown myself within this war and save them.

I put up my wand towards them as I stood behind them.

"Obliviate" I said.

Every single photo I was in I watched as it disappeared. Everything about me in this house disappeared.


"Come now, Dudley. Hurry up!" Uncle Vernon said.

"I still don't understand why we have to leave" Dudley said.

"Because it's not safe for us here anymore" Vernon replied.

I watched through the window as they packed their things into the car.

I walked further into the house to find my aunt standing in the middle of the living room.

"I have lived in this house for 20 years...and now in a single night I'm expected to leave," she said.

"They'll torture you, if they think for a moment you know where I'm going, they'll stop at nothing" I said.

"Do you think I don't know what they're capable of?" She said staring at me.

"You didn't just lose a mother that night in Godric's Hollow you know.. I lost a sister" she said.

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