A/N: Update and I need help

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Alright, first order of business!


So, I know you guys haven't been wanting updates but here is where I need help.

We have seven chapters left (I may go and number them but then again maybe not) and I can't seem to think of any ideas on what to write. I really hope I'm not developing another writer's block because that shit will piss me off again (Haven't had a writer's block since March of 2022) so here's where I'm asking my kits (Dear readers/Aka. you) to help me with ideas even as a thanks I'll write your username down and put it in the chapter you came up with ideas for. I did this once before (But a certain someone didn't believe me and I stopped doing that but hey, second try I guess).

Don't make me regret this please, anyways, those help me with some of the remaining Chapters will be given credit I assure you to my soul (I won't sell it to the devil, won't go that far just for a promise. I'll be dead before I could even keep it) now, I think that'll be it. So, I may try and come up with working on what I named the title but no promises. Inspiration and ideas take a lot of braincells to process but I'll figure it out.

Now some other things I would like to give notice on.
➪ I have 8 months to get some school finished, so it'll be taking up much of my time but I'll still update from time to time.
➪ I have a new book idea (Inspiration idea from another Author) it's called you can't define sexuality It was originally a Klance Idea but I opted for a male Lavender x Keith Kogane, so Voltron but here's where I need a few votes on a decision.

Should I change Male Lavender's name to:
A) Zander
B) Leon
C) Just keep Lavender but use it in a more feminine way (Since he's male in the book and their made up ship name is Klander/ I took away ve and smashed the others together)

Now please, help me with those and also, second Naruto banished ship is probably going to be Shikanaru as well since we're at 9 votes (I needed ten on a ship) and since only a few gave title ideas I'll just go through the given ones and pick one with the username of who's I chose from.

K, that should be all for now and again help me with some of the remaining Chapters because it'll help a ton.

Oh, shit! I forgot to mention something.

When we reach 10K reads on this book I will officially stop giving announcement on new reads because y'all might get tired of that (Also that'll be a heap of a goal to reach cause I've never been there yet and we're getting close to 8K surprisingly) and I'll stop giving out announcements for when we reach 1K votes. (I should stop at 10K votes but then opted not too so I'll leave it at 1K) should this book be finished before than updates on new goals will be given but will stop when we reach 10K reads and 1K votes.

That is all, and hope you enjoy. Also, check out my new books!
One more thing.
I'll be writing Voltron seasons all together then once the episodes in that season are done I'll publish them then do the same until the last episode of season 8.

K now that's all.


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