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Here I was in the lab .

Still hoping for a cure , pondering about mom and dad.

Chris and Tyga went for a run getting more things for August's arrival,

I was writing down math equations on my chalk board and my walkie talkie started going off . I rushed to it and adjusted it and listened in.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Aye I need some help . We stuck at a supa market by hollis"

"What's exactly going on ?"

"Thea is bout ten of em , we hidin' in the back a da sto . please hurry up"

"Ill be there just be ready"

I ran out the lab locking it in the process. As I was running down the hallway I seen chyna ,

"Chy can you please get out the medical supplies , blankets , everything they'd need . Im going to get them because they're in a bit of a jam . If Chris and Tyga come stall em . Ion want them coming behind me got it?"

"Yeah becareful Ne "

"Always" I yelled as I ran to the gun room . I pulled out a black duffle and filled it with two mini machine guns and extra bullets and my switch blade. I had my two glocks and screwed the silencers on .

I then locked the door behind me and ran to the black Toyota jeep , unlocked it and spead off.

I pray they're okay.

I found the car Chris told them to take on the way there and I quietly ran not before grabbing a self blowing bull horn .

Just incase

I scoped out the area and then proceeded inside .

I tip - toed pass them and I ran into the back .

I ran back there and immediately guns were pointed at me.

"Im Netia , I was talking to someone on the walkie talkie" I whispered

"Yeah I rememba you" He was so beautiful .

Snap Out Of It ! Its A Zombie Apocalypse for jude's sake.

"Since there are three children and three adults , I suggest putting them in the middle while our backs are to each other . Any one of those things get n our way kill them immediately with no hesitation . When we are outside get into the black truck okay?" I whispered .

They nodded their heads in agreement .

"Lets move"

We got into formation and something caught their attention and I used it to my advantage and we all proceeded to run out and as we were half way there the walkers gazed their attention back at us ,

"Shit!" I hissed .

"Run !"

"I aint leavin-"

"GO! " I hollered out . When they ran I started spraying up that mother fucka .

I needed to release some stress anyways .

In the midst of my little grotesque shoot out I hard a little cry for help.

"UNCLE AUG HELP ME !!!!!!" The littlest one of the group screamed as a walker grabbed her ankle.

I ran over and shot it the head and snatched her up .

She began crying uncontrollably as she clung to my body as I finished up killing the walkers .

"Its okay baby I got you , your safe shhh" I tried consoling her .

I ran out with her in my arms and as I approached the front door and tried to open it was stuck between a dead walkers arm . I tried moving it but it wouldn't budge.

I grabbed a nearby clean looking blanket and threw it over her and I kicked down the glass shop front and ran to the jeep . I put her in the backseat with everyone else and I got into the driver's seat and sped off.

I heard my walkie talkie going off as well as her faint little cries.

I felt horrible . If only the government sneaky asses didn't play Frankenstein everything would be back to normal and shed probably be at home having fun .

"Whea You at Ne?" I heard Tyga's voice boomed through .

"I went to go pick up August , Ms.Shelia and their nieces "

"Yall good ?"

"Yeah we almost there"

"Be safe"

"Open up the gates , and always"

I hung up and sped off and went through the gate and they automatically opened.

"Uncle Aug dis wea we stayin'?" the oldest one quietly questioned.

"Yeah baybeh dis wea we stayin' " He nodded and I let out a small smile.

I vouched to take care of everyone even if it meant laying my life on the line.


Hello loves , its been a while and I apologize ,

Ive been very busy with school and other things .

Please check Out my other August Alsina fan fictions,

~One too Many Chances


~A thug Meet his Thug.

Don't forget to comment , vote and leave feedback.

Make sure you check out @TahryahMarnae

She books are Dope just like her personality , she writes Aug fanfics too.

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