Better Angels

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"So how do you feel?" Chyna asked.

"I feel as if i'm submerged under water , suffocating staring up at the night full of stars"

I inhaled the morning's dew , placing my hands in praying position with my eyes closed.

"Wanna explain farther ?"

"No" I said exhaling feeling slightly at peace.


"No , now please leave me at peace "

"You know Ne , soon your going to have to let some one in. Soon your going to feel something."

She said quietly walking out the patio.

"Some day ill be alive again" I whispered looking out into the beautiful , chilly sunrays of the wee morning.

I heard grows from outside the gates below.

"for now , survival is my only mentality" I whispered to myself closing my eyes again.

Meditating early in the morning was my sense of comfort and peace, my tranquil slice of heaven on this undead world.



"Early bird catches the worm huh?" I asked walking up to August lookin' out the window at my sister on the veranda.

"I guess . I appreciate ya takin' me and my fam man"

"No problem homie"

"Does she always do this? " He asked as we both looked down on her.

"Yeah . This ha lil spot . She anti social fam , our parents been to long gone "

"I ca see that. I just wanted ta give ha my thanks fa savin' ma neice the otha day. In a hot min I coulda lost ha man. I swea it happened to fast . I coulda sworn she was behind us"

I patted his back.

"Only thing that mattas is that ma sister save her and shes alive"

"Yeah fam"

"I need a favor Aug"

"Was dat fam?"

"Break my sista out ha shell"


Sorry I been M.I.A yall .

School keepin' a youngin' busy,


Chris request from August?

What do you think will happen next?

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