Shut Out

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I fidgeted with wires .Here I was in the well barricaded green house trying to set up a music system so I could feel a little more at peace .

Hell , I should've had Chris do this shit .

I sighed and put my head in my hands and looked to my left and a light bulb went off in my head .

Sure could use a stress reliever. I dragged the metal bar stool all the across the room to a little opening in the roof which held a bird house .

I opened the lach and pulled out two wooden pencil case boxes .

I jumped down making a thud noise .


I dropped the boxes and held my hand over my chest to turn and see August .

"You almost scared the legit shit out of me " I breathed out clutching my chest .

"I'm sorry ma " He chuckled .

"Oh it's fine "

"What ya doin' back hea . By yo self ?"

"I uhhhh . ummmmm what are you doing back here " I questioned while picking up the two boxes .

"Real smart . I asked a question first "

"To be quite blunt , I'm going to blaze one & look at pictures, Amongst this mindin' my business . What you doing back here" I said putting them behind my back .

He smirked .

I briefly rolled my eyes and inched to the stool and work table .

"I'm hea at properly thank ya & see what ya up too"

I nodded and opened the two boxes , I looked up at him standing looking around awkwardly .

"You can join me if you want "

He took a seat in the other metal stool adjacent from me , I took out a picture & I started laughing so hard .

He looked at me questionably and I kept laughing , I then showed him the picture of Chris and I when we were younger, Chris thought it was funny to play with granny's wigs and dance around the house thinking he was Michael Jackson .

Talkin' bout he got the "feeling"

Yeah he got that feeling , that feeling of the belt when granny whooped his light and bright ass .

I began rolling up a joint , when I was finished I baked it somewhat and then sparked up .

I blew out the smoke and began looking over many pictures .

August kept on teasing me about my baby pictures , and we laughed at ole peanut headed Chris's baby pictures .

I came past a more recent picture of my parents , Chris and I .

It was last Christmas , we had a ugly sweater competition and I won .

I ran my fingers over our faces , I smiled , we were so happy .

"We had a uh , ugly sweater competition and I won. my sweater had a reindeer's face on the front and the rest of his body was on the back . When you press the nose it sang"

I smiled as tears welled up in my eyes ,

"Aye you okay ma?"

"Yeah . I think you should go , I'm sure your busy , I'll uh , finish up what ever I was doing "

"Well ion got nothin' to do so I ca chill with you "

"Please just go" I said as tears brimmed my eyes.


"Please stop . Go August , " I sighed as the tears threatened to fall.

"You gonn-"

"I'll be fine ! Go ! Leave me be August !" I chased him out as he scrunched up his face .

I locked the green house door and slid down to the bottom ,

Where are you mommy and Daddy?

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