~Introducing the New Hirees~

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3rd Person POV:

"Y/n to the front, please. Y/n to the front." The intercom speaker let out a crackle with each word spoken over it. Just as quick as it began, the store-wide announcement ended, leaving the customers who were too focused on shopping and the workers too engrossed in their job to question if they had even heard anything.

Y/n was neither. Letting out a tired sigh, he took one last sip of his drink before tucking his phone into his pocket. He stood up from his makeshift chair, which consisted of a few pillows and old yet sturdy milk crates. Though it was cold for a tiny closet in the backroom of a grocery store, Y/n had made it homey and somewhat comfortable. Leaving the small room, he tossed out his drink container in the nearest recycling bin and walked through a pair of flimsy plastic doors. Moving from the 'employees only' space to the main grocery area was something he was used to, switching from the calm quiet to the bustling loud could be overwhelming for some.

As he walked to the opposite side of the store, he passed a few of his co-workers, some in the aisles while others stayed in their respective departments. Though tempted to stay by them, he knew better. He internally swore to pay them a visit after dealing with whatever issue was happening at the tills.

'I swear to the heavens above, if there is a customer begging for a Mora off their 1000 Mora purchase, I may just quit,' Y/n promised himself as he turned the final corner, the front of the store coming into view. As he came closer, the unmistakable wide grin from the one who had called him to the front made him chuckle. She leaned against the side of a till, blocking his view from anything behind her. Not that she needed to, her large purple hat did the job well enough. Yet, Y/n still saw two unfamiliar blonde heads standing just out of view. Letting out a quiet exhale, he decided to humour one of his supervisors once he stood a few feet in front of her.

"Alright, I'll pretend not to notice the two people hiding behind you. What's up, Lisa?" Y/n asked the brunette, earning a mischievous giggle from her.

"I can't get anything past you, sweetie, can I?" Lisa replied, stepping to the side to reveal two short blondes. One, the more masculine of the pair, had long, soft-looking hair, tied back by a braid. The other had two long strands of bangs hanging on either side of her face, a very realistic-looking flower pinned on the side of her head, wirh short-cut bob on the back. Both of them seemed too similar to not be related, Y/n concluded. His eyes were quickly drawn to the black name pins on both of their chests.

'Lumine and Aether. Nice names.'

"Let me introduce you to our two newest cashiers. Lumine and Aether. They're siblings" Lisa presented the two with an encouraging smile, the new staff members taking a step forward. The longer-haired one, Aether, slightly nodded while his sister, Lumine, gave a small wave. "Aren't they such a pair of cuties?"

"They seem kinda shy," Y/n bluntly stated, making Lisa giggle once more.

"So were you when you started. Have you forgotten how nervous you were on your first day?" she replied as Y/n cringed at the memory.

"How can I forget? This ceiling will never be clean again," the h/c-haired man reminisced, turning his head up to the roof. Curiously, both the blonde siblings looked up, quickly spotting the 1-meter large, light yellow stain that covered the ceiling directly above the till. "No matter what the rumours others will tell you about what happened that day, none of them are true," Y/n informed the two, his words coming off more as a warning than a fact.

"Only a few know the truth~," Lisa spoke in a sing-song tone. "Anyhow, Y/n, I'd like you to show them both around. They already know the basics of cashiering but they should get familiarized with the store, its products, and a few of the co-workers they need to work with," she informed the other, earning a quiet sigh.

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