~A Week in the Life of a Minimum Wage Worker- Day One~

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~ 3rd Person POV:


"He just doesn't listen when I ask him to clean up his mess. He is just too wrapped up in his own world to acknowledge that there could be other people in it," Kaveh complained to Y/n, both leaning against their respective tills.

Early in the morning, barely anyone would come in, let alone check out their items at the two men's till when they could just as quickly go to the 'self-checkout' tills. This left both of them with lots of time and no work. While some would try to find something to keep themselves busy, M/n and Kaveh were not paid enough to want to. Instead, they would chat, enjoying the other's company and discussions while they could. Though, Kaveh's conversation always found its way back to his roommate and superior.

"Did he have his headphones in?" Y/n asked, a bored look finding its way upon his face, remembering the same conversation happening between the two of them before.

"Thinking back to it, I think he did," the blonde replied, crossing his arms over his chest with a sour look on his face. "That still doesn't excuse it."

"Uh-huh..." Y/n paused for a moment, trying to find a good diversion to talk about another topic or a solution to the other man's problem. He chose the latter. "Do you want me to bring it up to him? He occasionally takes my advice when we talk."

"No. I don't need someone else to do what I should be doing," Kaveh sighed, practically draping his whole body across his till. "But I appreciate you offering to help." He looked up and gave a weak smile to his h/c-haired coworker. "Unlike Al-Haitham, I'm happy you at least offer to help. Like seriously how can a man act like that-" Y/n stopped Kaveh from saying anything more.

"Do you guys just need to kiss? Get some stress out on each other? Please tell me I will be a third wheel or a wingman or whatever you need," Y/n loudly commented, making eye contact with Kaveh to prove he was serious. "I will be the third in your threesome if you truly need me. But there has to be a way to stop whatever tension, sexual or not, in between you dude!" For that, he earned a sideways glare from an older woman who had walked past the check-out areas. Though it was clear Y/n was only joking to a certain extent, that did not stop a blush from growing on the other cashier's cheeks.

"Wha- NO! NO NO NO!" Kaveh shouted, gaining more than a few pairs of eyes on him. "Never on this green Earth, on this store, or whatever higher power there is in this universe would I ever do anything of that sort with the likes of him!!" Unfortunately for the blonde, he failed to sense the said man walking up to him from behind. "Why would you ever suggest something as ridiculous as that?! With a man like him?!" At the sound of a man clearing his throat behind him, Kaveh's face fell as he slowly turned around. Y/n chuckled at the sight of Al-Haitham crossing his arms over his chest and slightly squinting his eyes in an attempt to express discontentment. All the while, Kaveh was huffing, trying to puff up his chest as a failed form of intimidation.

"A man like me? What about me do you have such issues with?" The grey-haired supervisor monotonously asked, raising a questioning eyebrow. Before Kaveh could respond, Y/n spoke up.

"He doesn't wanna fuck either of us. Never on this green Earth apparently," the h/c-haired worker fibbed, leaning against his till with a growing smirk on his lips.

"That's not what I said-" Kaveh tried to deny, getting cut off once again.

"In this situation, would he be fucking either one of us or both of us together?" Al-Haitham questioned Y/n, earning a shrug in response. "I wouldn't want to fuck you either, don't you worry about that. Despite the possibility of having Y/n as a third, I don't think I could overlook your reverse way of thinking and acting, even if your face were pushed into a pillow," the grey-haired man stated, making Y/n chuckle while Kaveh furrowed his brows in anger.

"You're pretending as if any intimate moments with you wouldn't be merely a pity fuck," the blonde cashier snapped back, stepping away from the supervisor to create space between the two of them. "Clearly someone needs to loosen the stick in your ass somehow and the closest they'll get is when you're on your hands and knees."

The two continued to bicker, throwing curse words at each other. Customers who were heading to pay at a worker-operated till changed their paths to head to the self-checkout. All the while, Y/n watched with a smug yet tired look on his face.

"To fuck or be fucked. That is the question," he spoke to himself, quickly catching the glare sent to him by a customer walking by. The h/c-haired cashier rolled his eyes. "Perfect way to start my week..."

Yes I know it's been a while since I've updated this fic. But I've got the sudden urge to do so since this has been in my drafts for ages. I'll do it part by part cuz doing all in one go is hard lol. Let's see if anyone actually reads this

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