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||Chapter 5: Friends and Fun||

I approached Naruto quietly trying not to startle him.

The closer I got the more I could hear the little sniffles coming from him.

I wonder how Hisashi found him. He must've used his byakugan.

"Um," I said, pausing about four feet away. "Naruto?"

His head shot up as he looked around, pretty blue eyes watery as they found me.

"I-It's you." He croaked. "The girl."

My heart thudded painfully as tears filled my eyes again. I tackled Naruto and he let out a small shout as we landed in the grass.

"Naruto listen to me!" I said, making him look at me. "I'm your friend okay?!"

Naruto's eyes widened as he went limp beneath me.

"B-But I don't have f-friends. No one w-wants to be friends w-with me." He said, looking down.

"Who cares?" Naruto gaped at me as I placed my hands on my hips, standing over him.

"You don't need thirty or twenty friends!" I said. "Just the good ones."

I held my hand out to him.

"And I'm your friend now, okay?" I said. "It's okay to cry when you need to, don't run away from that."

Naruto wiped his eyes as he sat up.

"You really want to be my friend?"

"Of course!" I said, like it was a stupid question.

I helped him to his feet and turned to the famous swing. The memes, the jokes, the laughter faded away. That wasn't fiction. This is real.

"I don't ever want to see you on this swing again. I'm Ryu, and I'm your friend, okay?" I said firmly. "Naruto, do you like ramen?"

He lit up.

"Oh yeah! I like it!"

I took his hand and smiled at him.

"Then let's go get some."

~ 3rd POV~

Hiashi Hyuga watched Ryu lead Naruto Uzumaki away, tears drying on his face as his blue eyes sparkled with hope.

Hiashi rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he studied Ryu.

"What a renowned girl. She's beyond her years."

His eyes went from their pale lavender color to white as he activated his byakugan. His eyes raked her chakra points and they widened.

Every single chakra point was blocked. Ryu should be dead with every ounce of her chakra practically stopped.

So now Hiashi had a mystery to solve.

Who was Ryu?

And why was she alive?


In the Nara household, Shikamaru Nara laid beside his shogi set uninterestedly.

"Heya son, want another round?" Shikaku asked, poking his head into his sons room.

"No way!" Shikamaru said, sitting up. "All you ever do is laugh about it afterwards."

"Too true- ahem, I mean, learn some sportsmanship Shikamaru."

Shikamaru sighed before laying back down.

"I miss Ryu."

Shikaku blinked at his sons rather blunt way of saying he wanted someone. Shikamaru was pretty straightforward when it came to needing something or not wanting to do something, but Shikaku's never seen his son miss someone like this.

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