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||Chapter 9: Talks and Surprises||

That wasn't the last I saw of Itachi Uchiha.

After a few more meets, he got a little less 'sulky' is what I'd describe it as. He stopped the 'cool guy' façade and started being a little more honest with me.

I didn't even know Itachi had this kind of thing going on . . . .

But that's also how I met Sasuke.

The Uchiha Massacre takes place only a few months from now because Sasuke is finally seven. So now I need to figure out how I'm going to handle it.

With Sasuke now joining our friend group, we've reached from nine to ten. Of course, that meant Ino and Sakura flirted with him consistently, but I tried to get him to make strong ties with us so they wouldn't break easily.

But I really had to think through this.

Itachi is protecting the village with this feat, if I stop him, I'm putting the village in danger. But Sasuke suffers a hard loss because he doesn't understand. I fi can help him understand why, then maybe the timeline will change.

I paused.

But if the timeline changes, I won't know the future.

I crossed my arms as I rested my chin in the palm of my hand thoughtfully.

One simple change can overthrow the entire timeline. Naruto's never touched the swing since we became friends, and no one treats him like an outcast anymore. Neji and Hinata are better, and despite Neji's feelings for the Main Branch of the Hyuga family, he's trying to put that aside.

Ino and Sakura no longer fight. Well, sometimes, but friends fight and stuff. But they still hang out and fawn together over Sasuke.

But today I was ditched.

Sakura and Ino went home to prepare for our first day in the Academy, as did the others. Naruto went to go eat at celebratory ramen, and I was left with Sasuke.

"Okay Sasu-"

"I-I have to go!"

I sweat-dropped as he turned and ran off, disappearing into the streets of Konoha. I looked around, realizing this was my first time alone for a while now.

I guess we all need a little independence after a while, right?

I turned in the direction of LHQ and my eyes narrowed. I walked around for a bit before I settled on one of the easy-to-reach building rises that allowed me to overlook the Leaf. I came here when I needed to think and not have the other bother me.

A short while after we start at the Academy, Itachi takes it into his own hands, and massacres his clan. Sasuke never forgives him because he doesn't understand. So what do I do? Be there for Sasuke?

I sighed, glaring down over the town.

"This is annoying sometimes."

"You look like you're planning to take down the Leaf."

"Thinking about it."

I paused, realizing that someone spoke and jumped, turning around.

"Kakashi, you can't sneak up on me like that."

The young Anbu member's smile was visible underneath his mask as he tilted his head at me, eyes calculating.

"You're alone. That's a first." He said, sitting down beside me. 

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