Parte 8

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Ch 10

The polyjuice potion was as nauseating as usual, and it didn't matter the revolting things Hermione had been doing for the past few weeks, it didn't matter that she had been licking Pansy's feet for a seemingly endless time, that her only food was now those "special" Pansy's foot flavour bean, made especially for her to make her life a living, the polyjuice potion still sucked!

Hoping with all her strenght that she would not find herself full of body hair like her last, terrible experience with that potion, Hermione waited with her eyes closed for a few seconds as she felt the magic working and her body changing. The poor girl felt shivers down her thighs and on her belly, felt the bones in her legs shorten a few inches and her hair retreat inside her head. She did not have the courage to open her eyes and look at her reflection in the large and ancient mirror that decorated Pansy's room, her sadistic Mistress who had not stayed to observe her transformation and had gone downstairs where her guest could have arrived at any moment.

"If Pansy didn't want to watch the transformation, it can't be that bad, can it?" Hermione said to herself, finding an unexpected comfort in the absence of the Slytherin girl who had totally changed her life and who would not have missed her terrible new humiliation for anything in the world.

With a new flame of hope that had begun to burn within her soul, the Gryffindor girl decided it was time to open her eyes and see her new appearance. She knew Pansy had taken the hair of a woman in some nearby village, she knew she had not lied because during the transformation, down there she had not felt it get the picture, right? But nothing could have prepared her for what she saw when her eyes finally look at the mirror.

An absolutely huge girl was staring at her with a shocked expression, it was her expression because that face belonged to her now. Hermione had never thought of herself as a very beautiful girl, she had overly large teeth, untamed hair and her breasts were certainly not what boys preferred, certainly not like Pansy's perfect ones...but now? She was a woman of about twenty-five, with short blond hair that looked like it had been cut by a blind hairdresser, she was a little shorter than before but much, much wider.

It is certainly not an exaggeration to say that this woman reflected in the mirror weighed four times as much as the old Hermione Granger, her legs were so thick and stubby that walking was a titanic feat, and her enormous buttocks would have knocked her back if she had not had that equally enormous belly to balance her new weight. Hermione couldn't help but touch her belly and saw that her finger seem to sink into that lard like a pebble into a pond, then her new stubby hand moved up and grabbed one of her new boobs.

- Well, at least now I have prosperous breasts- the girl said aloud and wistfully, amazed to hear that rough voice so different from Hermione Granger's.

Now Hermione understood why Pansy had made her take off the disgusting house elf "dress" and the collar, with her new size she would have destroyed the former and choked on the latter. She knew, however, that her moment of freedom was over, the collar had to go back in place and show once again what she had become and would probably be forever...a slave.

It was not easy to put the leather collar back on, adjusted to the new size of her fat neck, with those stubby hands she had, but in the end Hermione was successful. It was inevitable to notice how such a simple operation had tired her greatly and she was already short of breath, every part of her body had expanded but her lungs remained those of a normal human being. Her thoughts about her new appearance and her shattered life were swept away in an instant when she heard a snap of fingers.

"How did Pansy manage to...? Oh, I don't care, better get moving" Hermione said to herself, no longer thinking about the spell her Mistress had used to amplify the sound of the snap of her fingers and allow it to spread throughout the castle, summoning her slave who must have been ready by now.

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