Parte 2

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Part 3 : The Bonder

Pansy moved quickly down the fifth-floor aisle, trying to think carefully about her next move. To make an unbreakable vow they needed a third person, the Bonder, but where to find it ? For a moment Pansy had thought of Draco Malfoy or one of her friends, but the girl had immediately dismissed that idea. Pansy wanted the Granger all to herself and if she had involved some Slytherin, surely she would have to share her future slave. Besides, Pansy did not want that the slavery of the mudblood to be public knowledge, it was probably impossible but perhaps Dumbledore could find a way to "untie" the unbreakable vow.

"No, I cannot risk that" the girl told herself, hurting her brain trying to find a solution to her problem.

She needed someone easily controllable, someone who would obeyed her orders as a kind of puppet, just as Hermione Granger would have done soon.

- A puppet ! - Pansy exclaimed loudly, luckily there was nobody in the hallway or people could have thought she was crazy.

The solution was so simple that Pansy wondered how she had not think about it before and now, she could not wait to find quickly someone to start her diabolical plan. With the Imperius Curse a wizard can totally control another person but the victim can resist if he has a great willpower, for this reason Pansy decided to find some naive little girl of the first year against which to cast her curse. Having tried that spell only twice, at her house with her father, Pansy knew she could not control someone older. It took almost ten minutes to find a little girl who was climbing the stairs with a small group of friends, on another occasion Pansy would wait for her prey to remain alone, but that time she could not waste time, the effects of the Amortentia could end at any moment and the Granger would have escaped from her claws. She checked that the prefect pin on her chest was visible, then Pansy Parkinson quickly approached the group of little girls and said in an imperious voice :

- Ehi you ! Yeah, you with red hair, I need to talk to you - Pansy said, pointing her index finger on her pin.

The group of girls stopped instantly and the red-haired girl who had been chosen by Pansy seemed almost to burst into tears. The other girls turned to their friend as if to say "What have you done ? "

- You go and try not to break any school rules or I'll deduct several points from you - said Pansy, who wanted to isolate the girl as soon as possible.

The other girls vanished within a second, then, just when the first-year girl was about to ask her what she had done to be stopped by a prefect, Pansy quickly pulled out her wand and said :

- Imperio -

Pansy knew she had succeeded as soon as the girl started to look into the space. The Slytherin girl remembered what it was like to suffer the Imperius Curse, in fact during her fourth year Professor Moody, or rather the Death Eater who had taken the form of Professor Moody, had cast the spell against his students to make them understand better one of the three Unforgivable Curses, so that they can learn how resist the spell.

- Follow me - Pansy said to the Ravenclaw girl who immediately obeyed the order and began to move like a sleepwalker.

"It should not be so obvious that she is under the control of the Imperius Curse" Pansy thought as the two girls walked down the fifth-floor aisle. The girl knew it was her fault, she had not done much practice with that spell, which was quite normal since it was forbidden, besides, using one of the three Unforgivable Curses meant having a one-way ticket to Azkaban, the wizard's prison. Once again, the corridor was deserted and the two girls entered the prefects' bathroom without finding obstacles. Pansy was pleased to find Hermione Granger exactly where she had left her, on the ground, a few meters from her locker. The friend of the famous Harry Potter was still crying, but Pansy did not care and she could not wait to humiliate her biggest rival more and more.

- Get up, Granger, and come here - Pansy commanded

Hermione rose slowly from the floor, she knew it was her last chance to run away but once again she could not move, the chance to worship those wonderful feet did not allow her to disobey the Slytherin girl who, meanwhile, pointed her wand against the Ravenclaw girl that she had brought with her, who seemed to be under the effect of the Imperius Curse.

"If the Bonder is under the effect of a curse perhaps the unbreakable vow will not work" Hermione hopefully thought, perhaps Pansy had made a big mistake.

Pansy and Hermione clasped their right hands, the little girl placed the tip of her thin wand on their linked hands, then Pansy said :

- Will you, Hermione Granger, be my devoted slave for the rest of your life ? -

In search of pity Hermione stared for a moment Pansy in the eye but there was no trace of it. Then resigned, the girl said:

- I will -

A thin tongue of brilliant flame issued from the wand and wound its way around their hands like a red-hot wire. Pansy smiled triumphantly, the Imperius Curse had not created problems, Hermione Granger was now hers.

- And will you, to the best of you ability, obey all my orders, serve and worship me as a Goddess ? -

- I will - Hermione said once more.

There was a moment of silence, then a second tongue of flame, which exploded from the wand of the Ravenclaw girl, was added to the first and clung around the linked hands, like a rope, like a ferocious snake.

"It's done! " Pansy Parkinson told herself, Hermione Granger was now her slave.

- Can you erase the memory of this little girl, Granger ? - Pansy asked suddenly, she did not want risk of the girl remembering what had happened while she was under the effects of her curse.

- Maybe - Hermione replied, pulling out her wand and pointing it against the first year girl, then she said :

- Obliviate -

At the same time as Hermione was casting the memory spell, Pansy released the girl from the Imperius Curse and, after a few moments of silence, the little girl said in a whisper :

- What happened ? Where I am ? -

- You're in the prefects bathroom, I brought you here to scold you for what you did before. For this time I will be good and I will not deduct points to your house. Now go away - Pansy said

The girl did not seem to understand but Pansy did not have to repeat it twice, the little girl turned and ran out of the bathroom. Meanwhile Pansy turned to observe her prey, waiting for the orders of her new Mistress.

- Finally we are alone - Pansy began - Now, slave, bow down at the feet of your Mistress -

Hermione did not hesitate and immediately she threw herself at the feet of her hated rival, the girl did not want to risk that the unbreakable vow thought she was disobeying an order, that would have meant just one thing...death. But even though she tried to deny it, there was another reason that prompted her to obey... the chance to finally worship the wonderful feet of Pansy Parkinson. The Slytherin girl put a foot on her head like before, but this time she was wearing her black shoes. Pansy violently crushed her new slave's head and, amused, she said :

- For a long time I wanted to put you in your place, dirty mudblood, make you understand that you are not worthy of being a witch, you are not worthy to attend this school and walk among us, wizard and witches. For a long time I was looking for a way to subdue you, I had thought of a blackmail but you have always been lucky and Dumbledore has always ignored your violation of the rules, being you a Potter's friend obviously. Of course I would never have imagined that a trivial incident during the Potions class would have given me the opportunity to enslave you, to crush you like the worm you are. Tell me... what I just said is not the truth ? -

Hermione was crying with pain, at every little movement of Pansy, the sole of her shoe was almost pulling her hair out. The girl's words were very humiliating, but Hermione knew that true humiliation had to begin yet, she knew she had to respond in the most humble and pathetic way possible, she had not forgotten the words she had said just a few minutes before and she knew she had to worship Pansy as a Goddess. The girl finally took courage and with a whisper, started to said :

- Yes, Pans... -

- It's "yes Mistress", never forget your place, slave! - interrupted Pansy giving her a light but painful kick in the head -

- Yes Mistress...yes Mistress. I am nothing but a filthy worm crawling at your feet. I am not worthy to be in the presence of a Goddess like you... but please, Mistress, allow me to serve you for the rest of my miserable life, let me live at your feet, my true place in this world -

Tears streaked Hermione Granger's face but Pansy Parkinson could not see them, nor hear her sobs because of her thunderous laugh which started when Hermione had finished her pathetic speech.

- Do not worry, slave, you can and you MUST to serve me for the rest of your life. Why do not you start with cleaning my shoes ? - Pansy said, taking her foot off Hermione's head.

- Yes Mistress, thank you for this great honor - Hermione said, who now had to deal with that part of herself that was so happy to be able to worship the feet of her new Mistress.

Hermione timidly began to kiss Pansy's black shoes but soon that timidity was swept away and the girl smothered her Mistress's feet with kisses, without stopping for a moment to breathe. Meanwhile, Pansy's giggles became more and more frequent, the girl was having fun as never before. After a few minutes, Hermione took out her tongue and began to lick, first the top of her Mistress's shoes, then the sides which were covered by the dust that had accumulated over time.

"What a wonderful taste" Hermione told herself, thinking of the mix of leather and dust that her tongue was savoring, and she could not help but be ashamed of her thoughts. How could she like something like that ? Once again the girl thought she had lost her mind, but then she told herself that it was quite normal to lose her mind at the feet of her splendid Mistress.

"Mistress ..." that word kept echoing in the girl's head, who could not believe that she had become the property of another human being, that she had become a slave as the house elves, those poor creatures of the magical world without rights for which she had fight so much. Despite she disgusted that word, Hermione knew she had to get used to it, Pansy was her Mistress by now and she would be her Owner forever, and she wasn't able to do anything to change things.

The girl continued to lick those shoes for almost an hour, at the end her tongue was exhausted and her knees were very sore. When she thought her work was almost over, Hermione, her tongue still dangling, looked up and observed Pansy. The two girls' eyes met and Hermione lost herself in those marvelous green eyes, Pansy was a true Goddess and she deserved to be worshiped.

Part 4 : The lake

Hermione Granger did not sleep that night, the girl kept rolling over in bed trying to understand those strange feelings that were tearing her soul apart. What the hell had happened to her in those two days ? Why did she feel that sudden attraction for the feet of her arch enemy ? How could she have sneaked into the prefects bathroom to sniff her shoes ?

"I'm a stupid...insane" Hermione angrily told herself, the girl knew that she had put her life in the hands of Pansy Parkinson, in the hands of a girl who hated her and who considered every mudblood nothing else that garbage.

Licking Pansy's shoes had been a huge humiliation but Hermione could not deny that it had excited her so much... and that was a bad thing, very very bad. There had to be something terribly wrong with her, a normal person would never have done those things, a normal person would never have had those thoughts so... kinky.

Obviously that was just the beginning, Hermione was aware of it, Pansy would have done anything to humiliate her, now that she was her slave. The previous night, the Slytherin girl before leaving had taken the invisibility cloak which was still on the ground and she had exclaimed :

- I will keep this from now on. In the end Draco was right, Potter really has an invisibility cloak... or rather, he had an invisibility cloak -

Then laughing, she left, leaving Hermione alone with her despair, now she would have to find a way to tell Harry that she had lost his cloak.

"Fortunately, I still have the marauder's map," Hermione thought, watching the first rays of the sun coming through the window, announcing the beginning of a very hard day.

Hermione got out of bed, it was still very early and the other girls were asleep, but Pansy had given her a very specific order.

"See you tomorrow at 7 o'clock on the west bank of the lake"

Hermione once again thought of the instructions her new Mistress had given her and she could not help wondering what the devilish girl had in store for her. After getting dressed quickly, Hermione came out of the Gryffindor common room walking through the portrait of the Fat Lady, ignoring the complaints of the latter about being woken up so early on Sunday morning. The castle was obviously deserted and the girl did not meet anyone until the entrance door. Hermione hid quickly and before moving she waited for Hagrid to enter the Great Hall. She wanted so much to talk to a friend but she knew it was too risky to be seen by the giant, he would certainly ask her why she was around so early on Sunday morning and Hermione was not sure, at that time, to be able to invent a credible excuse. The morning air was truly magnificent and Hermione enjoyed that light spring breeze as she advanced into the park, heading for the west bank of the lake. Pansy had not arrived yet, so Hermione sat on the grass, under a majestic tree, admiring the lake. The Slytherin girl arrived five minutes later and she was so sweaty that she seemed to had done a run.

- I always run early in the morning, Granger - Pansy said, as if she had read in her mind. Then she snapped her fingers and pointed to her feet
- On your knees slave, your filthy face must always be near as much as possible to my feet -

Hermione hurried to execute her Mistress's order and immediately she felt the excitement growing inside her.

- Take off my shoes, they're killing me - the girl said in her usual arrogant tone.

Hermione noted with pleasure that Pansy was not wearing socks and her feet were very sweaty. That fantastic smell made her lose her head and she began to smell her Mistress's feet like a hunting dog and to smother them with kisses. Pansy laughed at that pathetic sight and she realized that the effects of the potion had not vanished yet, her slavegirl was still madly in love with her feet. The girl with long black hair stood for a few minutes to observe the miserable mudblood who kissed her feet relentlessly and at that moment, she felt like a queen.

At one point Pansy sat down on the lawn, leaning her back against the tree trunk and she said :

- See how sweaty my feet are ? It is your job keep them always clean. So, slave, take out your tongue and lick the feet of your Mistress -

Hermione did not let her say twice, at that moment she was the happiest person in the world. The girl began to lick greedily her rival's feet, savoring that heavenly taste. Her tongue moved up and down Pansy's soles, gently caressing the soft heels of her Mistress and then darting between her long toes. The Slytherin girl in the meantime was enjoying that massage so special and she could only thank fate for having put Hermione Granger at her mercy. Then, at some point, she trapped the poor girl's tongue between her big and the second toe of her right foot, placing the left one on her slave's head.

- Tell me you love my feet, Granger. Tell me what you are, show me that you remember your place in this world -

Hermione knew what Pansy wanted and without hesitation, she answered :

- I love your feet, Mistress, they are the most beautiful thing there is in this world. Thank you for this great honor you are giving to your miserable slave, who is not even worthy to worship the ground where you walk on -

Pansy laughed and Hermione did not know if her Mistress had understood everything she had said, with her tongue trapped between Pansy's toes she could not do much better. Pansy laughed non-stop for almost two minutes and Hermione was feeling more and more humiliated, but at the same time she was so excited...

- Have you ever sucked a dick, Granger ? Perhaps that of Potter or the red-haired bum who is always with him - Pansy said at one point, finally letting her grip on her slave's tongue.

- No, never... Mistress - Hermione hastened to add, restarting to lick between Pansy's toes and savoring her toejam.

- No ? So it's better if you do a little practice. Let me introduce you to the only "cock" you will suck in your pathetic life -

Pansy moved her toe close to Hermione's eyes, then she gently touched Hermione's nose and went down, putting her toe on her slave's lips. Hermione did not even wait for the order, she slowly opened her mouth and allowed access to her Mistress's big toe. The girl began to suck, first slowly, then with increasing vigor.

- Look at me, keep eye contact -

Hermione did as she was ordered to do and immediately her eyes met those of her Mistress. For a moment the girl forgot everything, she forgot that she was sitting a few meters from the lake, in a place where everyone could see what she was doing, she forgot that she was cleaning with her mouth the sweaty feet of her bitter enemy. It was as if she were in another dimension, in a world where Pansy's feet were like the Sun, something indispensable for life.

Hermione did not know how long she was sucking and licking the feet of her Mistress and for a moment she wondered if the other students had woken up and if any of them had decided to spend the morning right there, near the lake, where they would have seen an unforgettable show. But the rational part of Hermione Granger's brain was dominated by those strange feelings that made the girl look more like an animal in heat than a human being. Her tongue kept moving tirelessly and she would have probably licked Pansy's feet for the rest of the day if her Mistress had not stopped her some minutes after. Pansy trapped her slave's nose between her toes and said :

- Now stay still and listen to what I say very carefully. Meanwhile you can smell my feet if you want -

Obviously Hermione took the opportunity and began to smell deeply, almost losing herself in that wonderful aroma. Then a slight kick in the face brought her back to reality.

- I told you to listen carefully, stupid bitch - Pansy said loudly, then she added - The exams are in a few days and you have to help me get good grades, if I do not get at least "Exceeds Expectations" in each subject, you will be severely punished and you will not be able to touch my feet for a long, long time -

Hermione could not allow this to happen, she needed those divine feet, she needed them like she needed oxygen.

- I will help you Mistress, we will study together and we will... -

- During the exam you will give me all the answers, if our tests are different you will have to answer mine first and then, if it there will be enough time, you will think of yours. Is it clear, slave ? - Pansy said, interrupting Hermione.

- Yes, Mistress, you come everything -

- Good, now give my feet a goodbye kiss and get out of my sight, worm -

Hermione obeyed her Mistress's order but those fantastic feet made her lose her head again and only a kick in the face make her to understand that it was time to come back to the castle and leave alone that Goddess who was relaxing on the grass.

Hermione Granger's GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now