Parte 5

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Part 7 : A new home

The old Mrs. Walker got up early as usual, and after trying in vain to wake her husband up, she went to the kitchen to make some tea. A strange noise almost immediately attracted her attention and the woman, curious, peeked out of the window. Two large vans were parked in front of Mr and Mrs Granger's house and several people were working hard to take away from the house dozens of boxes.

"Are the Grangers moving?" Wondered the woman, who was dying to know more about it. She had known the Granger family for many years and that sudden moving was quite strange for her.

- They could have warned us that soon we would have new neighbors - the woman mumbled, checking her tea, already imagining several, annoying children playing in the street and ruining her precious plants with a ball.


While Mrs. Walker went to wake her husband up to inform him of the latest events, a girl quickly walked away from what had been her home since she was a child. The sun was shining in the sky and, strangely for that area of ​​the United Kingdom, there was a scorching heat, but the young Hermione Granger could not stop shivering as she continued to drag with difficulty the suitcase she had enchanted so that it could contain inside all her belongings. The girl could not yet believe what she had done, could not believe she had left her family forever just because Pansy had ordered her to do so.

It had not been easy to organize the transfer of her parents to Australia and it had not been easy not to burst into tears in front of them while she pretended to be just a girl who had rented a room in the house of the two dentist for a few weeks. Hermione would much rather change her parents' memory and run away, but Pansy had told her she was coming to get her after a week and she could not cast the difficult memory spell at the last instant, so she had to make up that lie. But that morning she had been no more able to pretend, Hermione knew she could burst into tears at any moment and so she had decided to leave the house early and wait for Pansy in the small park where they would have a rendezvous.

The Gryffindor girl had not thought yet about what awaited her, she had been too busy organizing her parents' future life ... or maybe part of her feared too much her new life in chains, at the mercy of that cruel girl who would do everything to make her regret the day she was born. Arrived in the small park, at that hour still desert, the girl sat on a swing and burst into tears, finally free to pull out all those emotions that she had to hide that week inside her soul.

- Oh... do not be so sad Granger, your tears break my heart - a mocking voice suddenly said.

Pansy was early, the Slytherin girl had coveted that moment for a whole week, and the night before she hardly slept a wink. In the morning she had had a hearty breakfast and with a broad smile on her face she had sat in the garden enjoying that wonderful sunny day, waiting for scheduled time. But Pansy could no longer resist and after looking at the sky for a moment, she had disappared with a Pop, reappearing almost at the same instant hundreds of kilometers away, in a small town inhabited only by Muggles.

"A inferior being like Hermione Granger could have been born only in this place," thought Pansy as she walked along the deserted streets of the town, peering into the map in her hands, looking for the small park whre she would meet the Granger, the place where she would finally put her hands on her prey.

Hearing that voice, Hermione whipped around and her wicked rival smiled at her diabolically, even at that moment so sad the Slytherin girl seemed not to have even a shred of pity. Hermione wiped the tears that streaked her face, she did not want to appear weak in front of Pansy who seemed ready to jump on her like a snake with a mouse. For a moment the silence fell between the two girls, but an istant later the sound of a big van spread through the park. Hermione turned and saw along the road adjacent, the van with all the belongings of the Granger family inside, turning a corner and disappearing, followed a moment later by a small car that Hermione knew all too well. The girl did not know it then, but she would see that image hundreds of times in her dreams, hoping every time the car stopped suddenly and her parents ran to embrace their beloved daughter. But in Hermione's dreams the car continued on its path, just as it did in reality, and the two people she loved the most in the world came out of her life forever. Pansy remained silent, even if she had been touched by that sad moment, the young woman did not show it and after giving her new slave a few minutes to recover, the girl said :

- All right, it's time to move. There's too much Muggle stench in this place and I would not want it to stick to my clothes. Give me your hand, Granger, we'll use the Side-Along Apparition, you did the exam right ? You are already of age, aren't you ? -

- Yes - Hermione answered, recalling Mr. Twycross, the Apparition instructor, and his three D (Destination, Determination, Decision) who had been so derided by the students.

For a moment a small smile appeared on the lips of the young Gryffindor, who slowly advanced towards Pansy, dragging her suitcase behind her. The Slytherin seemed to shudder when Hermione squeezed her hand, almost as if the only contact with the hand of a mudblood could curse her. Then, after checking that no one was watching them, the girls disappeared with a loud Pop. The usual unpleasant feeling of claustrophobia struck Hermione, who joyfully welcomed her arrival into what was to be her new home from now on. The girl looked at the small castle with her mouth wide open, she did not think that Pansy was so rich, but if her family was the owner of the Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans it could not but be that way.

- What's in the suitcase ? Pansy asked suddenly, forcing Hermione to look away from the castle.

- All my stuff. Books and school uniforms and ... - the girl began to say

- Ok ok and your wand ? - the Slytherin girl asked, interrupting her slave.

- It's in the pocket of my pants, why ? -

- Give it to me and do not ask questions - Pansy said nervously

Hermione pulled out her wand with extreme slowness, she did not want Pansy to get her hands on it, besides, in the magical world to be without a wand meant to be defenseless. Pansy grabbed her wand roughly and looked at it for a few seconds. Then, after putting it in her pocket, the Slytherin girl pointer her wand against Hermione's suitcase and said :

- Incendio -

- Noooo - Hermione screamed as her suitcase caught fire instantly, but before she could do anything to stop all her belongings being destroyed, Pansy pointed her wand and pushed her a few yards away.

- Stay down Granger. This is an order, if you do not want to start your new life with a punishment it is better that you do not try to disobey -

Hermione obeyed and stood on all fours observing her stuff becoming ashes, her chest hurting where she had been struck by Pansy's spell.

" Why ? Why does she have to be so cruel? " Thought the young woman, beginning to cry, knowing that the family photos she had taken away from her house would also be lost.

- Do not worry Granger, it was stuff you did not need - said Pansy with an evil smile when the spell had destroyed everything. - Come on, I'll show you my house. Ah ... this castle is only temporary, in the future I will inherit that of my parents which is three times bigger -
"Is this castle just for her ?" wondered Hermione with amazement as she followed her new Mistress with difficulty, trying not to think about her lost belongings .

Before entering the castle, Hermione saw the stables nearby, perhaps she had found something that could comfort her a little, she loved horses and the only negative thing about attending Hogwarts was that she had no more time to go horse riding, if not a few short horse rides during the summer.

- Tinky! - suddenly exclaimed Pansy and immediately afterwards a Pop was heard and an old female house elf appeared before the two girls, bowing so much in front of Pansy that her long ears touched the floor.

- Welcome back Mistress - the elf said with her shrill voice and for a second her big eyes rested on Hermione, who for a moment thought she saw an expression of disgust in the face of the elf, who like any house elf wore dirty white rags.

- Tinky quickly show the castle to my new slave, see you in the stables in half an hour -

- Yes, Mistress - the elf answered, taking gently Hermione's hand and telling her with a smile - Follow me -

Hermione followed in silence the elf who quickly showed her the castle, pausing in the huge kitchen. It was there that Hermione decided to ask Tinky some questions to get to know her better, the elf could have become a precious friend.

- Are you happy here ? Are there any other elves or do you have to take care of everything ? It's a big castle, you should tell Pansy to work les... -

- To work less? - the elf squeaked, she seemed to be very offended by Hermione's words - Working less says the mudblood...of course, so
she can steal the work of the poor Tinky -

- No, I did not mean ... -

- What was my Mistress thinking when she decided to bring this scum here? Tinky is more than enough to take care of the dear Mistress, Tinky will not allow this human to take her place, no no - the elf kept repeating, talking to herself just like Kreacher, the house elf in Grimmauld Place.

Hermione remained silent as the elf kept mumbling and insulting her, but the girl was not angry, she knew it was not Tinky's fault. The old elf had always been at the service of a family who despised Muggles and the wizard had brainwashed her with their mania for the pureblood.

"The poor thing even thinks I want to steal her job, as if it were my choice to be here to serve her stupid Mistress" thought Hermione, feeling pity for Tinky and already thinking of a way to involve her in S.P.E.W (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare), so as to prove to Harry and Ron that even domestic elves actually want freedom.

Time passed quickly and finally the elf led the young Gryffindor out of the castle to the stables where Pansy awaited them with her usual mocking smile.

- So, do you like my home? asked the girl, before ordering Tinky to go back to her housework. The elf made one of her usual bows and disappeared with a Pop

- It almost seems like I'm back in Hogwarts - Hermione confessed

- Now do not exaggerate Granger, if we were in the castle of my parents you would have been right, this is nothing compared that and only Tinky is enough to keep it clean, or at least it was enough until recently. As you saw is old and no longer able to do what she did in the past, I asked my parents to give me another elf ... but it seems that for my mother twenty servants are not enough. Anyway, I do not have to worry anymore, now you're here - and so Pansy smiled diabolically as always.

Hermione, after having listened carefully to Pansy's words, began to observe the stables from whose inside came no noise.

- There are no more horses, if that's what you're going to ask, Granger - Pansy said as if she had read her mind

- So why are we here? asked Hermione curiously.

- Because there's one thing I want to show you, follow me -

The two girls enter the stables that, just as Pansy had announced, were empty. Hermione found nothing interesting as she looked around trying to figure out what her diabolical rival had contrived. Only when Pansy stopped in front of the last box, Hermione understood. Inside there was a large doghouse and a heavy chain hanging from a wooden beam. The Gryffindor girl did not take long to understand, just long enough to read the name "Mudblood" engraved on the doghouse, too perfect to have been handmade by Pansy who must have used her wand.

- You did not really think I would have allowed a mudblood to sleep in my house, did you ? -

Hermione did not know what to say, her mind was clouded, she could not believe that from then on she would have to sleep in a doghouse, probably chained. Pansy did not just want bossing her around and treat her like a servant, the evil girl wanted to even deprive her of her humanity, reducing her to be a beast. Hermione thought there could not be greater humiliation but once again she had not come to terms with the crafty Slytherin.

- Come on, go into your new house, see if you're comfortable - Pansy said, chuckling

That was an order and Hermione knew it. The girl made herself courage to put aside the last crumb of pride that remained her and she moved slowly to get on all fours.

- Wait up ! - intervened Pansy, who then added - Take off your clothes first, inside your new home you will find something more suited to your new status -

Resigned, Hermione slowly took off her clothes, knowing full well that they would soon have the same fate of her suitcase and the belongings inside it.

After putting herself on all fours, the girl began to move trying to keep her eyes low, it would be too humiliating to see the expression of triumph on the face of the Slytherin girl. The doghouse was bigger than she thought and inside it she could move quite easily, but it did not filter the light, so it took a while to find her new dress. Hermione's heart stopped for a moment when she realized what it was... lurid white rags, identical (except the measure) to those worn by the elf Tinky. Hermione had fought so much for the rights of the house elves and now she had ended up being treated like one of them.

"Even worse" thought the girl bitterly, Tinky could sleep inside the castle and not in a doghouse and she had not to wear ... a collar !

- I'll help you with that - Pansy said, smiling and leaning close to the doghouse. As the girl tore the collar from her hands, Hermione took a few seconds to examine that object that more than anything else certified her slavery.

"It's just a piece of leather," Hermione told herself, but she knew that nothing could erase the symbolic value of that "piece of leather"

- Here you are, my little dog looks great - Pansy said, patting her head as if she were a real dog. - Obiously that collar must always remain around your neck, only I can remove it. Did you understand, slave ? -

- Yes ... Mistress - Hermione replied after a moment of hesitation
Pansy seemed very satisfied with her answer, her little slave had remembered to give her the right respect.

- Very good slave, but now answer me as a dog would -

Hermione wondered if Pansy would get tired sooner or later to humiliate her, but the answer did nothing but worsen the situation. More and more humiliated, the girl fought to obey her Mistress' order, trying, unsuccessfully, to look away from Pansy's eyes.

"Why cannot I lower my eyes ?" Hermione wondered, continuing to stare at Pansy's eyes as if she were attracted to a powerful magnet.
Several seconds passed, the Slytherin girl opened her mouth to repeat her order, but suddenly an unmistakable sound came from Hermione Granger's mouth.

- Arf -

Pansy burst out laughing and her slave's face blushed violently, but the girl did not stop barking. Pansy could not believe that she had bent the proud Granger so easily and almost without realizing it, the Slytherin girl began to gently caress the face of her slavegirl who was amazed by that gesture.

- Good puppy, I think you deserve a nice reward - Pansy said, continuing to caress Hermione's face, while she looked at her Mistress with curiosity, wondering what Pansy's reward would be. Once again the Slytherin seemed to read in her mind, because a moment later she said :

- I'll give you the thing you like the most in the world... my feet - and Pansy laughed

Hermione's heart stopped, she had to understand that it was a trap, the diabolical girl would never give her a real reward. As Hermione continued to think how naive she had been in believing that Pansy might have pitied her, the young Slytherin had sat down on the floor and was taking off her shoes.

- Come one, sniff sniff - ordered the Mistress, roughly approaching her shoe to the slave's nose.

Once again Hermione could only obey and immediately her nostrils were hit by a very strong smell that caused conflicting sensations on the young girl. On the one hand Hermione felt she was going to vomit, on the other she could not deny having felt quiver her lower abdomen.

"It can not be ... this stink is turning me on ?" Hermione wondered, still sniffing Pansy's shoes, who was enjoying the scene with triumphal expression.

- Let's save these for later, what do you say ? - Pansy said, taking off her socks and throwing them into the doghouse - Now, bitch, get your tongue out and show me how eager you are to lick your Mistress's sweaty feet. "

Hermione's eyes rested on Pansy's bare feet and she almost paralyzed looking at those beatiful feet, those elegant toes with black polish, as usual. Unwittingly, Hermione obeyed her Mistress' orders, panting with her tongue out, just like a real dog.

- You're so eager to lick my feet ... I love this part of you - Pansy said, bringing a foot close to her slave's face, but immediately pulling it away as Hermione tried to lick the sole.

Only with the loud laugh of the Slytherin girl Hermione realized what was happening, as if the sight of those beautiful feet had made her fall into a kind of trance.

"That damn potion has not yet completely exhausted its effects," Hermione told herself, knowing there could not be any other explanation for that mad desire to throw herself to those wonderful feet and lick them until the end of time.

The young girl's thoughts were swept away as soon as the tip of her tongue touched Pansy's sole that this time had not removed her foot. With a clouded mind, Hermione began to lick those beautiful feet like a fury, moving her tongue up and down the soft soles of Pansy, savoring every drop of sweat that covered the white skin of her Mistress.

"I can not believe the potion is still having effect on her" Pansy thought as she watched Hermione Granger lick her feet with incredible ardor and she risked more than once to laugh when her slavegirl flicked her tongue through her toes.

Pansy would have wanted her slave to adore her feet for hours, but she did not want to make things too easy, after all, that had proved to be a real reward for the mudblood. After ordering her slave girl to put her shoes back on her, Pansy took the chain that was fastened to a beam and attached it to Hermione's collar.

- The chain is long enough to allow you to get to the manger where you'll find the beans you love so much - and so saying Pansy left.
Hermione's mind returned to work properly and soon the girl was assailed by a thousand thoughts, the collar and the filthy "house elf" dress that weighed on her like boulders. The girl burst into tears in despair and still on all four she crawled to her doghouse where she hoped to close her eyes and get rid from that chain... at least in her dreams. While the young woman was looking for a comfortable position to sleep, her face touched something warm and her eyes, now able to see better in the dark, managed to make out Pansy's socks.

"I had completely forgotten them" thought Hermione, who brought the socks closer to her face, beginning to smell them deeply.

- Yeah, the effects of the potion have not exhausted at all - the girl said, slipping her hand under her new filthy dress.

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