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Part 9 : Back home

It was almost sunset when a small "pop" announced Pansy's return at her home, outside the sky was more e more grey and a thunder in the distance announced the arrival of a storm. The girl slowly walked through her majestic Manor, her head ached a lot, which was quite normal after spending hours with her annoying parents.

"Luckily I have this place all to myself, I would die if I had to live with them" Pansy thought, entering one of the dining rooms and wearily throwing herself on an elegant sofa. The girl closed her eyes for a few seconds, then with a great effort she called her two servants. Tinky was the first to arrive, to the frail elf a snap of her fingers had been enough to appear before her Mistress, but poor Hermione took much longer. The girl, after hearing Pansy calling her servants, had got up with difficulty from the ground, where she had spent the last two hours scrubbing the floors of a corridor so long that it seems endless. Her knees were bruised and the pain was almost unbearable. Despite everything, Hermione ran to the other side of the Manor to welcome her "Mistress" and avoid a punishment that Pansy would have loved to inflict on her.

The mood of the young Slytherin suddenly improved when her new servant entered the room, with her poor elfish clothes becoming more and more filthy and the collar around her delicate neck. Pansy immediately noticed the bruises on the legs of the mudblood and she was particularly happy when the girl, despite the pain she was surely experiencing, approached her and bowed before her old rival.

- Welcome back, Mistress - Hermione said in the most humble way possible, she had to keep Pansy happy or it would be serious trouble for her.

The black-haired Slytherin carefully observed the girl who had once been her great rival and who now seemed truly broken, totally submissive to her will and docile as a faithful dog. All she had to do was slightly move her feet and immediately the mudblood understood what she wanted and without hesitation she threw herself on her shoes, covering them with kisses. A part of Hermione was still deeply embarrassed to do something so humiliating, but there was always a part of her that seemed to have no limits and that made her totally lose control at the sight of her Mistress's feet. So, while her lips touched every inch of the expensive leather of Pansy's shoes, a well-known sensation was shaking her beautiful body, like a lightning bolt that crossed her, from head to toe, hitting her in particular in the middle of her legs, where there was an apparently unquenchable fire.

Tinky looked at the scene with disgust, she could not stand the stupid human who was stealing all the attention of her Mistress and she did not understand what she found so special in that reject of the human species who was unable even to clean in one day half of the things that an elf could do in an hour.

"But soon everything will change, oh yes... everything," the elf said to herself, smiling as she thought about what she had done that day. Besides, she had to do something, she had to open the eyes of her Mistress, she could not allow that mudblood to remain in that house, smearing the lineage of the noble wizards that she and her ancestors had served for centuries.

- Take my shoes off - Pansy said after several seconds and Hermione wasted no time obeying the order of the young Slytherin, who closed her eyes and tried to relax as much as possible while her slave worked at her feet.

Hermione took off Pansy's shoes and realized that the girl hadn't worn socks. In the past the young woman would have been frightened at the sight of those sweaty feet, but she had gone too far and those feet did nothing more than increase that fire that had flared up between her legs. Without waiting for new orders, Hermione launched herself on Pansy's bare feet, her tongue already out of her mouth. The girl began to greedily lick her Mistress's feet, relishing with taste that sweat that would scared away a normal person. Her tongue moved with great skill, first up and down the soles, focusing particularly on Pansy's heels which looked incredibly delicious. Then, Hermione threw herself on her favorite part of those incredible feet, the toes. As her tongue darted between the toes of the almost asleep young Slytherin, Hermione was so excited that she almost put a hand between her legs, and only with great effort she managed to stop and think only of satisfying the needs of her Mistress.

The girl put the big toe of Pansy's left foot into her mouth and began to suck it greedily, just like a baby does with a pacifier. A moan broke the silence that had fallen in the Manor, Hermione could not say if it was she or Pansy, but she did not care and continued to suck, one toe after another, losing herself more and more in that paradise than for others it would have been an hell. Hermione did not know how long she had been worshiping Pansy's feet and only when Tinky coughed to attract the attention of her Mistress, she came back to reality.

- Don't you have to inspect our work, Mistress? - the elf asked, impatient to see if her plan worked, to see that slut thrown out of the house.

- All right, all right - Pansy said, wiping her feet in Hermione's hair and getting up slowly, but only after having pushed her slave away with a light kick in the face.

Pansy began to inspect the work of her two servants, carefully observing what they had done during her absence. The Slytherin girl walked barefoot throughout the Manor, Tinky was a few meters ahead of her and Hermione, who instead had to walk on all fours like a dog, followed her a few meters away, fighting to keep up with her Mistress. Pansy was particularly impressed with the work that Hermione had done, apparently she had underestimated the physical abilities of the girl who had been able to work as good as Tinky even without using magic. When everything seemed to be going well, the trio arrived in a room where a bomb seemed to have just exploded. There was mud everywhere and Hermione just didn't understand how it could be possible, she was sure she had cleaned that room and the mud... how could it have entered inside the Manor? There wasn't need to have the great intelligence of the Gryffindor girl to understand who had caused that disaster, and her eyes rested for a moment on the frail elf just before Pansy began to scream, furious.


A deafening silence fell into the Manor, Hermione and Tinky's eyes met, then Hermione did something that took the elf by surprise.

- It was me, Mistress. I'm terribly sorry - Hermione lied.

"Why does Tinki hate me so much?" Hermione wondered, but she was unable to observe the elf again. Now it was Pansy her focus, her Mistress's anger would have been devastating but despite everything she could not allow Tinky to be punished, poor thing, she did not know what she was doing.

Hermione observed Pansy, thinking that she could explode at any moment, instead the girl simply said to her:

- Go to my room and wait for my new orders there, soon a guest will arrive and since this person knows you, you will have to take the polyjuice potion. You will have the appearance of a girl from a little town not far from here, so no one will recognize you. Of course, I forbid you to reveal your true identity in any way or to ask for help. Now go, we'll think about your punishment later -

"A guest who knows me?" Hermione wondered, hurrying to follow her Mistress's orders and heading into Pansy's room as she was told to do. With the polyjuice potion nobody could have recognized her, and with the orders that Pansy had given her, she could not ask for help in any way without breaking the Unbreakable Vow. No, that guest could not have done anything to help her, but on the other hand it was likely that he or she did not even intend to do it

"Yes, surely the guest will be a Pansy's slytherin friend and if she knew who I am she would enjoy even more humiliate me" the girl thought sadly.

As Hermione walked away with a thousand thoughts in her head, Pansy watched the room full of mud.

- If you do such a thing again, I will give you some clothes. Have I been clear, Tinky? - Pansy said slowly, without looking at her elf who, hearing those words, burst into tears, throwing herself at her Mistress's feet.

- Forgive me Mistress, Tinky behaved like a bad elf. Don't free me Mistress, Tinky just wanted Mistress to send that mudblood away, she is useless and... -

- Enough ! Never dare to talk bad about her again. Now get out of my sight and go get the guest room ready -

As the elf disappeared with a "pop", Pansy tiredly rubbed her eyes and wished that day would end soon.

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