Levi meets the host club.

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The host club awoke to a cold splash of water- well, that is, all but honey, who was sound asleep.

Kyoya sat up, looking more evil than confused, as his glasses shone in the light.

"Huh?..." Tamaki looked around. "Where... are we?"

More remained silent, as usual. The twins sat up, looking confused.


"Well, I see you're all awake. So. Who are you?" A short, scary man asked.

The host club was immediately terrified.

"Uh... I'm Haruhi Fugioka, these are my friends, Hikaru and Kaeru Hitachiin, and these are my senpai's, Tamaki suoh, Takashi Morinozka, Kyoya Ootori, and Mitsukune Haninozuka."

"THAT little kid is older than you?" A younger, happier kid laughed.



"Shut up. Or do you want to be impaled by a broom?"

"Sorry, Captain Levi!"

"WHAT did I just say?"

Eren opened his mouth, then quickly shut it.

"Thank you." Levi turned his attention back to the host club.

"Oh. I see the short one-" Eren snickered. Levi smacked Eren

"-is still asleep." He moved to wake Honey up.

"No! Don't!" The rest of the host club yelled as they collectively jumped on top of Levi.

Eren simply couldn't contain himself and burst out laughing. Mori pulled the host club off of Levi, and picked him up as well.

"Bad idea." He said, placing Levi back on the ground.

Levi immediately high five Eren. In the face. With his foot.

Kyoto spoke up. "You see, Honey-senpai is a famed martial artist, who once wiped out almost all of an armies best officers. And the ones who weren't wiped out simply weren't on duty that day. He is, a very grumpy, and dangerous, person if you wake him up. Don't be fooled by his childish act."

"Huh. Like you have room to talk." The twins grumbled. "Kyoya is pretty scary if you wake him up, too."

"And lets not forget that Mori-senpai is extremely skilled with a sword." Tamaki chimed in.

"And let's not forget that I'm going to beat all of your faces into the ground if you don't shut up." Levi also joined the fun.

The host club snapped to attention.

"Now, how did you get here?"

And the host club told him.

About an hour later, the host club was taken into custody for questioning and well, because they appeared out of the fricken sky. Levi liked the chances that these strange people could be useful to the military. Well, the two martial artists and the smart one, at least.

As the host club was sitting in their designated cells, chained to a wall, they heard a sound, like a powerful motor coming from beneath them. They exchanged glances, and waited.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" They heard high pitched maniacal laughter at Renge appeared from the ground.

"Do you seriously follow us everywhere?" Hikaru asked.

"Yeah, its kind of creepy..." Kaeru commented.

"Well, this is the perfect opportunity for you to get those dark backstories! You're sent to an unknown land, imprisoned, tortured, used for the militaries purposes... PERFECT!" Renge laughed.

"TORTURED??!!" The host club yelled.

"Hey. Who the hell are you?" Levi asked, appearing from the shadows.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" And she disappeared back into the ground.

Levi looked at the host club. The host club looked at him and shrugged.

"You don't wanna know."

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