Chapter 1 - The day they met...

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Cirenworth, 2015

"Don't run too far, Mina mine" Jem chuckled while he watched his daugther walking around laughing.
Jem had took Mina to get breakfast and stopped at a small pond with ducks.
Mina was now two years old and when Jem left the house he always asked his and Tessas daughter to come with him on an adventure.
Him and Tessas Daughter - he had never believed he could think of something like that. Years as Silentbrother he tried to find the lost Herondale. But when the incident with the heavenly fire happened and he got human again it was like a gift - a gift for him and Tessa. He had not have been sure if she would have wanted a life with him after her life with Will, after her losses after that.
But she did - she never stopped loving him, like Jem never stopped and like they both still loved Will - even after his death.

"Be careful little one. This creatures are from Hell."

Jem looked up. He had been daydreaming but when he heard this words he looked at his Mina and a young man who were standing at her side.
"Mina ? Come to Baba."
Mina began to laugh and did spread her arms wide like a plane while she ran to Jem. He lifted her up and hold her onto his heart. When he looked up again he froze.
The young man - maybe 20 , maybe older - were still looking at them, smiling at them - with wild black hair and blue eyes.
"Will.... Is that you?" Jem whispered.
A noise let him turn around but there were nothing. When he turned back to the young man he were gone but Jems heart was racing.....

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