Chapter3: The noble One

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Owen - this name meant 'noble', 'well-born', 'young warrior', but Owen never saw himself like that.
It was his mother who wanted this name.
Maybe she did had saw a great future in him - something Owen never had seen.
He liked books and daydreaming. In his dreams he sometimes was a warrior. A warrior with a shining sword and amazing skills. But these were just dreams.
And in reallife he was just a student who didnt know what to do with his life.
He loved his father, had loved his mother and he also loved their bookstore, but there were always the feeling there were more....

His father hadn't been well the last days why Owen were watching the bookstore for him.
But he wasn't really well himself. Not in a physical way, but his mind were going round and round. Since the day he met Mina and her parents they were not going out of his head.
He wasn't sure why but there was something about them he couldn't forget.
Owen was good in making friends but he didnt saw them as friends. People liked him but he were charming nothing more. His true self he mostly didn't show except from to a few people - like his father, like his mother did and he was his true self with them....

"Hello,  pretty boy. Are you here?"
Owen looked up and infront of his eyes stand a man with spikey hair and a totally extravagant shirt and jacket. Owen smirked a bit. "The gay section..."
"I don't search this section...well maybe i should buy a book from that. But today i wanted to buy a book for my kid. Max?"
A child were running in the arms of the man and he lifted him up.
And Owen made wide eyes. He must have been still daydreaming. Was this kid blue...?
He rubbed shortly through his eyes and when he looked back the kid seemed totally normal.
He was definetly to tired. "We... we have books for Children. There are a few really cute ones over there. I will show you."


"Aunt Tessa" Max yelled and ran over to her.
She were sitting on a bench in sight of the bookstore and Max jumped next to her. "Hy Max," she cuddled him and looked up to Magnus. "You saw him. What do you think?"
Magnus sat down next to her and put Max on his lap before he sighed.
"I think.... he looks like this sexy welsh-man you had married."
"And..." Magnus hesitated. "He has  definetly the sight... i saw it in his eyes... his reaction. But he doesn't know.
"But... what do you think?"
"It's him... I don't know how.... I have to call Catarina.... But i am sure.... It's him."
Tessa breathed deeply in and grabbed her coffee-to-go tighter.
"Oh Magnus... We can't loose him... not again."
"I know. But be careful. Don't scare him away. Get to know him better and meanwhile i will talk with Catarina"
Tessa nodded before she gave Max a kiss on the cheek. "Do you want to play with Mina?"


"What's wrong?" Owen looked up to his father who did lay in the bed. Owen had sat here for a while and had read to his father but he had thought he had fallen asleep.
His father smiled a bit. "You were daydreaming again. What have happened? Did you dream again of your adventures?"
"Dad..." "No... i like your Stories..."
Owen sighed. "Yeah i had... but it's not that.... I... i have met a family... at the park... they are nice people."
Owens father smiled warm. "You like them... if they like you too... you can be friends. You know that."
"No... , listen to me" He took his hand and Owen realized how weak it seamed.
"You don't have much friends. I am not dumb. I know that. You are scared of letting people see your heart. And that is sad, because it means nobody knows how wonderful you are"
Owen looked up to him sad but went over to him. He crawled into the bed and hugged him.
"Can you tell me what do you like about them?"
Owen shook his head. "It's... It's a feeling... I feel good when i see them... happy... This sounds so crazy."
His father chuckled. "No.... it doesn't. Do what your heart says."
"I am not in love"
Owens father laughed and ruffled trough his hair. "I didn't said so. Love exits in so many ways not only in a romantic way. I mean... it's a family ... BUT even if it would be, it would be fine." He softly kissed his forehead. "You are a good son and a great man.... Now... let us just sleep a bit..."

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