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"I wanna ask Rini to marry me..."

No. Fucking. Way.

"And you're telling me this why?" I asked, my voice coming off harsher than I intended it to be.

"Look, I've been in love with Rini since high school. I know she and I don't always agree with each other all the time and things like that, but I love her."

"Again, what does this have to do with me?" I asked, suddenly getting impatient.

"Do you think you could live with it?" Jaren asked.

I took the phone from off of my ear and looked down and looked at it in confusion, then put it back to my ear. "Live with what?"

Jaren sighed as if I was supposed to understand what he meant by that vague statement. "Do you think you could live with seeing her spending forever with someone else?"

I paused, and actually took the time to start thinking about what he had just asked me, because I had never taken the time to actually think that deep into that question. Mostly because it was never asked to me before.

For the entire year and a half of Serenity and I not being together, I always had been leaning on a hope and endless prayers that she and I would find our way back to each other when it was time and that when that did happen, we would get it right this time and spend forever with each other.

It never crossed my mind that someone else would get to her before I did and have the intentions of marrying her.

Knowing that it nearly killed me having to watch her with Jaren for simply a year, and nearly losing my mind when I first found out about them, I didn't think I'd ever be able to survive that, but I did, because something always told me that they were temporary, but now...now everything has changed.

He wants her forever.

And I couldn't handle that. I really couldn't. Seeing them together all the time makes my heart split further and further down the middle...

"Honestly, Jaren," I sighed. "I'd rather die..."

Jaren chuckled. "I think that's a tad drastic—."

"You asked me how I felt...I just gave you the answer," I replied. "Look, I gotta go. Good luck, I guess."

Jaren began to protest, but before he could finish what he was saying, I hung up the phone and tossed it across the room, putting a dent within the wall.

In my mind, I attempted to relax and calm myself by counting to ten in my head over and over, but it wasn't working. Jaren's words echoed in my head like a broken record, constantly taunting me over and over.

I didn't understand this feeling...it was like a wave of emotions like pain, sadness, anger and resentment.

If I didn't hate Jaren before, I definitely do now. This man took everything away from me before I could even start to get it back.

For a year he made my life a living hell. Flaunting his relationship with Serenity in my face, flaunting his relationship with my son in my face and all I ever did was accept him and be peaceful with him unlike anyone else in our group...and still, he treated me and talked down on me like I was the gum on the bottoms of his shoes.

And now he wants to pull this shit? After he gets caught? And why did he care about my opinion anyways?

He was probably planning this from the get go...just to rub it in my face.

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