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* 3 Weeks Later *

"Amour if you don't like my Dad like that, you should just tell him."

Deuce's words had replayed in my head over and over since the day we all met Malachi, and honestly, it had been tormenting me because I just felt beyond guilty about being around both of these men that wanted me, but two showed me completely different sides.

Jalen...Jalen is a great guy, but with the few weeks that I spent with him, but he didn't give me any substance. I don't know what it was, but he wasn't giving me what I felt was needed for myself, he was a great person and he was amazing when it came down to listening—and other things *smirks*—but something between he and I, it didn't work. We didn't mesh.

But Jayson...I don't understand what shifted between us, seeing as though I used to hate him and only used to tolerate him because of Deuce, but randomly, something shifted between he and I one night when I had to be in Boston for a meeting.


April 12, 2023

"It just had to be raining right now...on the day where I have an important meeting. What the hell mother nature!" I grumbled, holding my bag over my head.

I looked both ways and quickly ran across the street and accidentally slipped and fell into a puddle, causing me to get soaking wet. My jaw dropped in shock and I looked around and was damn near on the verge of tears.

"No! What the fuck! This was not supposed to happen!" I cried out, running my hands through my now soaking wet hair as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" a deep voice asked.

I looked up and saw Jayson standing over me with a concerned look on his face. His eyes widened once he realized that it was me and he smirked in amusement and licked his lips, holding his hand out to me in order to help me up.

"Amour what are you doing out here in Boston?" he asked, helping me up.

I pushed my hair out my face and huffed. "I had a meeting but clearly, I won't be going...because I'm a goddamn mess..."

Jayson shrugged. "You don't look that bad. You actually look kinda beautiful."

My eyes widened and a shy smile spread on my face. "Uh, thanks...I guess."

"No problem," he chuckled. A shy look crossed Jayson's face as he shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back and forth anxiously. "Uh, I know you and I got off on the wrong foot, and I was wondering if we could you know, forget that and start over...?"

I raised an eyebrow in amusement and grinned. "Start what over?"

Jayson shrugged. "You know, you and me. Instead of hostility every time we see each other, I'd rather get to know you better and build on that and go from there."

Laughing, I shook my head and frowned. "I don't think that's gonna work, Jayson."

Jayson laughed, stepping closer to me and pushed one of my wet curls from out of my face and grinned. "Let me prove you wrong, then."


From that moment, everything and I mean, everything changed between Jayson and I. I tried my absolute hardest to not fall for him and let him "prove me wrong", but he made me fall for him, and on top of that, Deuce and I have the best relationship, and I've grown to love him like he was my son. Which was crazy to me because Rini also viewed him like he was her child.

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