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"Asia, I promise I will be there on time..." I said as she repeatedly scolded me about being at Juan's celebration dinner for surpassing his career high.

"You better be there on time, Rini! This is huge for Juan and you know that you're famous for being late!" Asia scolded.

I rolled my eyes. "You only think I'm famous for being late because I was late last year, when I was with Donte."

"Exactly and y'all wanted to be nasty and have sex in the car outside the restaurant," Asia explained.

"Well, that's not gonna happen because he and I aren't together...yet." I said with a smile.

Asia put her face into the camera, her eyes wide with shock. She took her glasses off and folded her arms, kicking her feet up and held her mug. "Yet?! Spill the tea."

I sighed and took the time to fill Asia in on everything that was happening between Donte and I, like the flowers and the sweet note he sent me a few weeks ago down to me now receiving flowers, meals, and even little notes left for me from him that come to my house or my job weekly.

On top of the gifts, notes and other things that he has gifted me with, Donte makes time out of his day to talk to me—I mean, random calls, texts and sometimes he'll send me voice messages telling me good morning and to have a good day, and things of that nature.

"Awww," Asia said, placing her hand to her chest. "That is so cute! He's really trying! How does his effort make you feel?"

I shrugged, now smiling from ear to ear like a little high schooler just by simply thinking about Donte. "I don't know...his effort is adorable and, it shows he cares but..."

"But what?" Asia asked. "And don't say no dumb shit."

"I'm just...scared..."

"Scared? Of what?" she asked, suddenly in mom mode.

I let out a soft laugh and shrugged my shoulders. "I guess, everything. What if it doesn't work out? What if...what if we do?"

"What is so scary about you two working out," Asia asked, tilting her head to the side. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

"I want that more than anything, but what I'm scared of is...what if nothing is the same? What if he's not the Donte I'm so used to?" I asked.

Asia grinned. "Well, that's the good thing. Because if it were the old Donte, neither of you would be happy. I see the way you two look at each other, if that ain't love then I don't know what it is, but it is definitely something."

"Asia what should I do? I'm tired of waiting..." I whined, nearly sliding out of my chair and onto the floor.

"Stop hiding," Asia advised. "If this is what y'all both want, go for it. Just don't rush it. Y'all need to sit down and talk."

I sat there, thinking about what Asia had just said and nodded, realizing that she was right. Donte and I had waited over a year for this moment and it seems like the time is right between he and I. Taking it slow was what was best, but I feel like we also needed to solidify just where he and I stood.

A conversation definitely needed to be had, and I honestly didn't think that it could be one of those conversations that got put on hold. Simply because I couldn't hold it in anymore...

"You're right," I said. "I'm gonna call him and tell him to pull up so we can talk."

Asia threw her head back and laughed. "You sound like a toxic ass nigga. Asking to pull up so y'all can talk, and wind up with your pussy in that boy mouth."

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