952 54 10

June 05.

"You good, man?" JK asked me.

Beside him. Moody nodded his head. "Yeah, you been off since the wedding. Like you been trying to figure something out and is having a hard time this said thing out."

Shaking my head, I leaned back in my seat and shrugged my shoulders. "I'm fine. Just thinking..."

"About?" Steph asked, taking his headphones out, turning his attention to me, raising his eyebrow.

"Rini.." I mumbled, pulling my hood over my head and glancing out the window.

That was the truth. I had been thinking about Rini ever since I noticed something about her was off at the wedding, I started putting pieces together based off of how she had been acting lately; and it was bothering me because when I had asked her if she was okay at the wedding, she said she was perfectly fine but I knew she was lying about something that was going on with her; I just didn't know what it was; and I wanted—no, I needed to know what was going on with her.

I could understand if something. was going on and she wasn't ready to tell me yet, because at least I knew she was being completely honest with me; but right now she isn't and it's really been bothering me because I don't know if what's going on with her is good or bad.

I guess you could say that I was worried...that's all.

"What's wrong with my daughter?" Steve asked, his eyes wide.
I shrugged. "No idea. She won't tell me anything. She just keeps insisting that she's fine, but I know she's hiding something."

Klay shrugged. "Maybe something is going on, but she just isn't ready to tell you yet. And truthfully, you have to respect that, you know?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I know. But, I don't know man, I'm just freaking out..."

"I'm sure she's fine, D," Gary assured me. "You know Serenity has to cope with things herself before opening up."

Jordan nodded in agreement. "Exactly. Just give her time...and if you feel like it gets to a point where you need to say something; then say something."

I nodded, placing my head back and looking out the window once again. I was heeding their advice, but the constant battle in my mind on whether whatever Serenity was dealing with was good or bad was gnawing at me. I just couldn't take my mind off the fact that something was going on with her.

Why her appetite had suddenly changed drastically; like she went from eating like a normal human being to eating like Juan. She's always sleeping, then will wake me up in the middle of the night because she wants a snack or even a full blown meal; then she's gotten up about a few times in the middle of the night to throw up and she hasn't been drinking either—wait a minute...

Did she have a stomach flu? Because if she did, I needed to make sure I don't catch it.

Shaking my head, I pushed the thought from out of my head and put my headphones on and shuffled my playlist, dozing off to sleep as the ride home went on..



Today was the day...and I was nervous as hell.

I had already told the girls about me being pregnant last night, and let's just say, they're excited. I mean when I told them, Asia ran out onto her balcony screaming "I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT AGAIN!" for a solid ten to twenty minutes.

Don't get me wrong, I was excited to be having another kid, but this was not only Donte finding out, but it was also Landon finding out—even though I'm sure he didn't understand everything I was going to be saying.

I had this cute little set up going on to make this moment a little more meaningful and exciting. I had made Donte's favorite—baked ziti and garlic bread—using the recipe his mother gave me and I had created a small little gift bag with a small sign inside of it, white roses and the pregnancy test I had taken.

I hoped he liked it...

It was about 9:45 and I knew that Donte should be home any moment now, and my nerves were on one hundred. I simply had to breathe and get this over with. I shouldn't be nervous, I should be excited because I knew that Donte would be happy about me having a baby.


The moment that I heard the keys jingle in the door, my anxiety shot through the roof and I started shaking nervously. Quickly, I walked over to the door and opened it, smiling widely at Donte.

"Hey!" I exclaimed happily.

Donte grinned and raised his eyebrow in amusement. "Hey. Why you so happy?"

I shrugged and smiled brightly. "Because you're home! And...I have to tell you something very important.."

Donte nodded his head and set his bags down, shutting and locking the door. Landon came running around the corner with a chicken nugget in his hand and hugged Donte's leg as he giggled and smiled widely.

"Hey, bud!" Donte said, smiling widely as he lifted Landon into the air. "I missed you!"

"Missed you too!" Landon said, resting his head on Donte's shoulder.

I smiled at the sight of Donte and Landon. Them like this made me happy, and made realize just how much I loved Donte as well. He was an amazing person, an amazing partner and an amazing father as well.

So why was I so nervous to begin with? Things would be perfectly fine; and just like that, any nerves that I had been feeling washed away. Quickly I walked into the the kitchen, grabbing the bag and walked back over to Donte who was filling Landon in about everything going on at their practice while Landon listened intently, his eyes never leaving his father.

They're so cute.

Donte paused what he was saying and looked up at me. His eyes locked onto the small bag I was holding and he sat up a little, adjusting how he and Landon were sitting on the couch and gave me an amused smirk.

"What's that?" he asked. "Is that for me?"

I nodded and handed the bag to him. "Yeah...uh...there's a surprise inside for you."

Donte accepted the bag and opened it. He looked at me suspiciously before reaching inside and taking out the sign first and then the pregnancy test. He first looked at the sound and began reading it out loud. "The butterflies in my stomach have turned into two tiny feet..."

He then flipped the pregnancy test over and his eyes widened in shock as a happy smile formed on his face. His eyes shot up at me while I was fighting back the wide smile that was threatening to spread across my face.

"Seriously?" He asked in shock, his smile wide.
I nodded my head and laughed. "Yeah, I'm pregnant.."

Donte stood up and walked over to me, bringing me into a hug before lifting me up in the air and then setting me back down, placing a kisses all over my face. Landon ran over to us and held his hands up for one of us to pick him up; so I picked him up and Donte grabbed his hand, placing it on my stomach and grinned.

"Landon, you got a baby brother or sister on the way." I said, kissing his cheek.

Landon smiled widely and looked down at my stomach, then waved at it. "Hi!" he exclaimed, making Donte and I laugh.

Donte glanced over at me and smiled softly. "I love you."

"I love you more.."



- Three more chapters left ! (I think.)

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