🥑My Valentine🥑(oumami)

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🎲Kokichi's pov🎲

It is valentines day,aka the most miserable day of the year. every time this "holiday" comes I feel lonely as fuck. I'm not exaggerated,literally EV-ER-YO-NE has a valentine date or a secret admirer,but I have none of those planned for today. I don't even know if I have a crush on anyone! I mean I like taro,but he doesn't like me like that,we have been friends for 15 years,but the guy's as blind as Adrian!

I normally play pranks on,random,people who go on dates in the open,I normally say "HOW DARE YOU! WE MADE A FAMILY TOGETHER AND YOU THROWN THAT ALL AWAY!" and make peoples relationships fall apart,it's funny to watch them break apart. "KOKICHI! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE,YOU NEED TO GO TO SCHOOL!!" said my mom.

I walked down the stairs and ate some cereal,my mom looked pissed at me,probably because I'm like 2 hours late,but that's just a guess. "COME ON!" she yelled "I'M EATING AS FAST AS I CAN!!" I said. I finally finished it and my mom dragged me outside and inside the car. We got to school and my mom booted me out of my seat "I lOvE yOu MoM" I said waving back at her "love ya too you gremlin" she drove away in her cop car. People thought I was getting arrested! It was so funny seeing their confused faces!

I got to class and the teacher screaming at me for being late as usual,but I didn't care,what is she going to do "call my dad!?!" nee-heehee!!!- oh what the hell? There is a box on my chair,did someone get my desk for someone else's? Welllllll~ if they got it confused it's their fault not mine,so I'm gonna open it! Okay it has a letter. It says "kokichi,I have been mesmerised by you for quite a while now and I would be honoured to be your valentine".....wait it's actually for me!??!

Holy shit! This is like the fist every valentines gift I have ever gotten!! Alright,lets see what's inside this thing! "DAMM!" I said. Everybody looked at me. The box was packed with my favourite sweets "ehem! Is there something you want to share ouma?" said the teacher "nah" I said,Not even looking at her "well since most of you fulks already opened your valentine gifts and we have a few extra minutes we can share who sent them" she said.

They all looked excited and I was too. I wanted to know who has a crush on mee! "okay. Miu,you can go first" she said. I already knew that is was keey-boy.

They keeped going until it reached rantaro. Hmm,I wonder what he Got It FoR,it's DEeFInEDitely NoT KeAde,the one he's been giving valentine gifts to for 2 years! "amami,come up here and tell everyone who you gave a valentine" she said "could I not?" he said "no you have to tell us" she said. Taro walked up next to the board "Igaveittokokichi" he grumbled "say it louder no one can hear a word you're saying!" I yelled. He flushed red when I said that.

"well....I....got........kokichi,a valentine" he said "oh,I was expecting miss akamatsu" she said "w-what?" I said. He went back to his seat.

He really....gave me this? No one has ever liked me before or gave me a valentine,even if they had to do it,they would just pretend that they did. I...I wonder if he actually likes me and isn't just being sympathetic. I can go to his dorm and find out. I thought he was a blind butterfly!(fun fact! butterflies are actually all blind)


Okay! So I have to go to his room now! I swear to god rantaro if you don't love me back!

Alright! *knock* *knock * "o-oh...! Kokichi what are you doing here" he said. His face was competing with the red to see who is the redest. "amami" I said "wow,what happened to ranran or taro~?" he teased "do you...actually like me?" I said "of course I like you you're my best frie-" "no. I'm asking you if you love me and,you're not playing a prank or just giving me this because you feel bad for me" I said
" *sigh* yes. Yes I do love you. Just like
I said in the letter. I had a crush on you for 6 years" he said

"really?" I said "uhmm~" he hummed "well,would you want to be more than valentines?" he said "huh?" I said "would you like to be my boyfriend?" he said "YES." I jumped onto him and wrapped up arms around his stomach. He lifted up my chine and moved his hand to my lips,he rubbed his thumb across the bottom one and kissed me,I melted into the kiss,I hope this lasts forever.

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