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people at school found out.
the teachers, too.

they treat him differently— apologizing for treating him badly. apologizing for not noticing the signs- not asking if he's okay when they see new bruises.

patrick hates it. he can't stand the pity and sad looks he receives.

gabe insists he hadn't said a word, throwing his arms up in defense. he swears he hasn't spoken to elisa for at least two weeks, and not after the trial.

pete wouldn't have told anyone if his life depended on it.

the trial wasn't public in any way.

they had no idea how anyone found out, but patrick loathed whoever had told.

"mrs. santiago told me, 'take all the time you need. i know it's been a rough few weeks.' with the worst sympathetic smile i've ever seen." patrick huffs, shoving his tray in front of him.

"pat, it'll pass." gabe assures. "they'll forget all about it and be back to treating you like normal soon."

"i can't wait to be yelled at again for missing homework instead of 'ooh, you poor thing. it's okay, i understand.'" patrick mocks the tone his teachers give him.

"maybe it's not too bad—"

patrick shoots an angry glare at his boyfriend. "not too bad?" he scoffs. "it happened- now everyone knows and they can't stop treating me like a baby. i don't need their pity, pete. i'm a big boy, we handled it and it's fine now. why can't they just leave it, too?"

pete mumbles an apology, jumping back when patrick smacks his hand away and mutters, "fuck off."

"baby, please,"

patrick shakes his head. "leave me alone." he grumbles, leaving the boys for the bathroom.

throughout the day, patrick ignores everyone he can. giving angry, annoyed looks at anyone who tried to talk to him and especially anyone who offers him an apology for what happened.

he even avoids pete, which makes him more sad than anything, but he's angry with him. for no valid reason, he's aware.

by the end of the day, patrick has mostly avoided everyone, frowning still as he joins pete in the car.

"you okay, hon?"

patrick shakes his head no, tears in his eyes as he looks at his boyfriend. "i'm sorry, petey." he whispers, tears falling.

"what for?"

"being mean to you." patrick mumbles. "you didn't do anything, petey, i'm sorry for being mean."

"that's okay, baby." pete reaches over the console, hugging the boy. "i understand, it's okay." he kisses patrick's cheek. "promise."

patrick repeats his apologies, pete finally shushing him with a kiss.

"it's okay," pete repeats, smiling softly. "let's get home, pats."

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