Chapter 15. 1814 

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Clara glanced toward the clock in the corner of the room, noticing that it was 11:30. With a gasp, she quickly jumped out of bed, and then sank back down when she felt the soreness between her legs. She glanced at her mother. "How long do we have until they arrive?"
Olivia. "About an hour I believe. They want to be here for afternoon tea."
Anthony. "We will be ready as soon as possible."
Olivia gave them both a hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning and leaving the room. She was hoping and praying that her husband and niece wouldn't cause any trouble.
Clara closed her eyes, exhaling slowly. "It seems our honeymoon has just been ruined."
Anthony shook his head, climbing on top of her and kissing her deeply. "No it hasn't. And I'm going to make sure it does not get ruined by anyone."
Clara opened her eyes and looked at him. "My love, we must prepare for my uncle and cousin to arrive."
Anthony began kissing along her neck, his lips moving down to her breasts. He kissed each one tenderly, caressing them gently. "I believe your uncle and cousin can wait. Besides, we have a whole hour until they arrive."
Clara moaned with pleasure, arching her chest up into his lips and fingers. "I suppose we can delay their arrival a little."
Half an hour later, Anthony and Clara were sitting at the breakfast table, a delicious spread of sandwiches scones desserts and tea in front of them. George Stephanie and Olivia were there as well, none of them looking forward to Christopher and Penelope's arrival. What was going to happen?
The Carlisle Butler, Preston, poked his head into the room. "Forgive the interruption, but mr. Dalton and Lady Grafton have arrived."
Clara and Stephanie exchanged a glance of surprise. It seemed David and Penelope didn't want to wait for a proper wedding. They had eloped.
Penelope was the first to enter the room, Christopher behind her. Without missing a beat, she sat down across from her sister and cousin, reaching for a cup of tea. "Yes yes I know. You saw my elopement in the papers."
Clara took a Dainty sip from her tea cup. "Actually Penelope we didn't. When did you and the Viscount elope?"
Christopher flopped down into the seat beside Penelope, beginning to pile food onto his plate. "Two days before you became married."
Clara carefully separated her scone, putting a small dab of cream on one piece and fresh berries on the other. "And why did you decide to do that instead of wait until the end of this month?"
Penelope. "Because I was wanting to be married before you. That way I could have a noble title and you would still be Clara Dalton."
Stephanie glared at her sister. "You do realize that you are much lower on the social rank than Clara."
Penelope took a bite from her scone. "I know that, I am a Viscountess."
Stephanie. "And Clara is a Dutchess."
Christopher took a loud slurp from his tea cup. "That doesn't change anything. Just because she has a higher title than Penelope doesn't make her better."
Clara gently sandwiched her scone back together before taking a bite. She glared at her uncle and Penelope, not able to say a word. Penelope was a Viscountess, that was for certain. But gaining a title hadn't improved her attitude.
Penelope raised her left hand, her ruby and diamonds sparkling beneath the sunlight. "Isn't it beautiful? David told me that this ring was perfect."
Stephanie. "It's not as lovely as the one Anthony gave to Clara."
Christopher. "No? What does it look like?"
Clara elegantly placed her left hand onto the breakfast table, exposing her diamonds. "Unlike Viscount Grafton, the duke thought out exactly what he was going to purchase."
Penelope plucked her hand up from the table, stared at her ring, and then threw her hand away. "I suppose it is lovely, but mine is better."
George. "Aside from torturing my new sister-in-law, why else have the two of you come?"
Christopher. "To say that we are hosting a ball next week at Dalton Hall. All of you are reluctantly invited."
Penelope. "It's more of a farewell ball to me. After next week, I am permanently moving into Grafton Park."
Clara took a breath. "I suppose we will see you then."
Satisfied with their answer, Christopher and Penelope stood up from their seats and walked out of the breakfast room. They smiled to one another, knowing full well that their ball was going to be the grandest event of the season.
Olivia glanced at George and Stephanie who were sitting next to each other. "They didn't even ask about the two of you."
George took Stephanie's hand. "They don't need to know at this time."
Stephanie. "Honestly they don't need to know at all. I want to be happy with George, not made a fool out of because I don't have a courtesy title."
Clara. "But you will have a courtesy title, once you decide to marry of course. You will be Lady Stephanie Carlisle."
Stephanie smiled. "That's all the courtesy title that I need. I don't want to be a Baroness or a Viscountess. I am happy just being myself."
Clara smiled back, squeezing her hand. "And that's all I want for you."
The five of them enjoyed the remainder of their afternoon tea in peace. They knew that the following week was going to be filled with nervousness. They had no idea what was going to happen at the Dalton ball. If an event did occur, they hoped and prayed that it wouldn't be terrible.
Once they finished, the two couples separated. George and Stephanie went out into the garden for a walk. Anthony and Clara, after telling the household not to disturb them for a while, made their way back upstairs to finally be alone. They wouldn't allow Christopher and Penelope's interruption to ruin their honeymoon.

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