Chapter 1

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*Picture of Milana above*

"Milana Anderson Cartwright! Tell me you did not desert me in fifth period today when I needed your help desperately for studying? I mean, who does that to their best friend?"

Cassie's accusatory tone blasted into my eardrums, my IPhone 5s pressed against my right ear while I was busy fixing myself a sandwich.

Psshh ... please, I didn't desert her, she was too busy flirting with some new guy in our math class to even notice that I had left to go to the library to do some actual studying.

I opened the stainless steel fridge and reached in for the bologna and mayonnaise.

Should I get a tomato and lettuce to go with it? Nope, I don't feel like wasting too much time in the kitchen before mom gets back from the bakery. She'll find me something to wash or rewash all the dishes since she's such a germophobic person. She always makes me re clean something everyday, and today, I hope will be different since it's my birthday.

"Cass, we both know you've never studied anything a day in your life unless there was a super hot brainiac involved. Besides, I told you I was going to study in the library and you were welcome to come along with me . It isn't my fault if you decide to flirt with every new guy in school. Now if you'll excuse me, girl, I need to catch up on my soaps. Chow, cheerleader."

I smiled when I heard Cassie snort from the other end of the line," Later, nerdette. And just for the record, I truly believe that watching those Hobbit and Lord of the Ring movies will do you no good. Well, except for the parts where Orlando Bloom  will pop up! He's one hot piece of meat that I wouldn't mind to-"

 I was quick to cut off her perverted statement, "No, Cass. Just no, don't even try to ruin my perception of my favorite movies! And I only have one last thing to say."

"What's that?"

I smiled as I inhaled a deep breath and screamed, " LONG LIVE THE KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN!"

I heard something crash on Cassie's end, followed by a short string of choice words as I heard scraping sounds .

Probably fell out of her chair again. Hehehe!

I grinned as she hung up  and proceeded to go and make myself  comfortable on the living room sofa.

Grabbing the DVD remote, I was about to press the play button to start the second Hobbit movie when I noticed two things.

One, my face was not being licked all over by my  two tiny Pomeranians, Batman and Robin. And two, the back door that faced the vast woods was wide open.

Crap, the dogs got out!

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