Chapter 22

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Milana's POV:

Lord Elrond promised that he would tell me everything, all the secrets that had been kept inside of me, unbeknownst to myself three days from today.

I had asked him why such an exact date, but he had merely glanced at my aghast form with a strange look before speeding his steed up to the front of the procession.

I sat there, letting my mare fall behind the others, as I was fuming with sudden anger and indignation.

How dare he not answer my question!

But, I knew that deep down I wasn't truly mad at him. I was just angry about the whole situation in entirety.

I wished that I knew what I was, if I wasn't even human.

I want to know how I even got to Middle Earth in the first place.

Why did Robin and Batman have to die?

Why was I really going to Rivendell?

What's my mother doing right now?

How did that backdoor get open?

How did those orcs get in my world?

What was Thranduil doing right now?

I froze in my seat and I could instantly feel a strange feeling in my chest, making it hard to breathe.

No, it was yearning.

But, for what, or for who?

And, suddenly, it hit me, the epiphany I've been hoping and dreading for ever since I met that Elven King.

I was starting to care about him.

I wanted to strangle the elf, but at the same time, jump into his arms and let them hold me close, away from all the dangers this world unleashes all around us.

But, a part of me knew it would never be. 

He doesn't see me as anything but a lowly human, a thorn in his side. 

He may not have said it to me, or to anyone, but, it has been there, perched in the shadows of his very persona whenever he would lay eyes on me.

Nothing but glares and superior smirks.

I sighed as I came back to the present and noticed that I was quite a ways behind Lord Elrond's group and I nudged the side of my mare to catch up.


When we arrived at Rivendell, almost two hours later, my butt hurt like you wouldn't believe and my thighs were just begging me to not move an inch.

But, I didn't pay that any mind as we rode into the entrance of the courtyard.

My attention was caught by how  beautiful-no- magnificent everything was around me.

The marble pillars and white wood archways took my breath away as my eyes flew everywhere, trying to take in how the setting sunlight caught the crystal clear waterfalls in such a way that they sparkled with various colors of the rainbow.

There were various buildings all around this hidden valley that was closed on all three sides by sheer rock but was wide open to the sea beyond on the fourth side, directly opposite the entrance to the valley.

Every inch of this seemingly paradise gleamed  in such an ethereal way, and it was only enhanced by how detailed the carving and designs were.

There were sturdy and old-looking trees everywhere, giving this special place a very natural appeal, as if it had all just sprung right out of the ground, or had always been there since the beginning of time.

"Wow," I breathed as I let a small smile take over my face.

After another wonder-filled moment, I finally dismounted and followed the procession of elves, led by Lord Elrond, up the gleaming white steps and to the left down a winding corridor, unsure of our actual destination.

It wasn't very difficult to keep up with the elves slow gait. Each one walked as if they had time slowly trailing behind them on a leash, clearly without a worry in the world.

That would be the case ,at least, if I hadn't caught sight of multiple weary looks being thrown in my direction, along with the way each elf seemed to be trying , some in vain, to get Lord Elronds' attention.

They stuck to their own elfin language, but I did not miss the heated arguments that would break out amongst some of the younger-looking elves while we walked.

Lord Elrond was walking with the air of one who bore patience like it was his best friend.

How was he able to not get caught up in the heated discussions going on around him?

Even I wanted nothing more than to shout and maybe slap a few faces if that would cease their bickering, and I was trailing  a good couple of feet behind the group.

Were they always like this?

I took pity on Lord Elrond for having to endure their incessant yammering constantly.

Suddenly my stomach growled out a warning and every head whipped around to stare at me.

My face flushed and my arms instinctively wrapped around my stomach.

Darn  keen elf hearing!

I watched as Lord Elrond stepped forward, and spoke what sounded like a command.

Instantly, every head bowed and the rest of the elves continued on down the corridor, carrying their  arguments out with passion until they finally drifted out of my earshot.

"Forgive my thoughtlessness, child. My mind has become deeply troubled by a wide majority of important matters. You are my charge for the temporary time that you will be remaining here, and already, I have neglected in seeing to it that you are taken care of."

I gave a small shrug and smiled. 

" It's okay. Maybe, if you want, you could share some of what's troubling you? I could help lighten your load and you could think more clearly?"

Lord Elrond only shook his head before he placed a large hand on my left shoulder, guiding me forward down a separate corridor from the one we had just been in.

"As much as I  appreciate the offer, you do not know of what doing so would entail.I would rather you be filled with your own worries than with the weary burdens I have carried thus far. Come, let us see now if we can find you some substance to consume."

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