Chapter 10

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*King Thranduil's POV*

Everything in the throne room was quiet,save for the pacing feet of my son, Legolas.

Rubbing my temple to try and block off an oncoming headache from all the events that have been going on lately, I exhale sharply before standing.

Legolas's feet halted as his  silvery blue  eyes snapped to mine.

"Adar,mani naa ta?" Father, what is it?

I shook my head and  motioned for  Legolas to be at ease , as I stepped down from my throne until I was face to face with my son.

"Lle incessant pacien naa aggravatien amin. Mani naa ta tanya troubles lle utinu?" Your incessant pacing is aggravating me. What is it that troubles you , son?

Legolas  averted his father's cool gaze for a mere second before lifting his head up and squaring his shoulders. His nostrils flared as his sudden temper got the best of him.

I knew when Legolas was about to try and talk reason to me about any subject by the way his eyes narrowed slightly-just the way his mother's once did.

Pushing that thought aside, I focused on what my son was now ranting about with his  arms held stiffly at his sides.

" The orcs have grown more arrogant, father, and more dangerous. If we-"

I cut him off with a slight chuckle to which he only glared at me in reply.

"Those filth do not ever belong in the same category as dangerous, for they are lesser beings who only give false loyalty to the bigger master that shall give them the most food. They do not think for themselves."

"Well, these do, father! They may take orders from one of Sauron's  followers, but they do not always obey. Take that human girl for instance! You and I both know-"

Again, I cut him off, but this time with my own glare.

" -Nothing." I finished for him." That human girl stumbled across our lands with those despicable fiends, and as far as I am concerned, she may as well be another servant of the dark. "

A speck of anger flickered into my son's eyes at my comment, and I felt a small spark of annoyance in my chest.

Does he like the human girl?

At that thought, I felt a foreign emotion coil in my gut and I certainly didn't like it.

Was this jealousy?  No. I am an elf king, I do not feel such a worthless emotion. 

Especially for a human girl.

Snapping back to focus, I barely caught  the fist in time that was flying to my face.

Shocked and furious beyond doubt, I glared down at my only son and raised myself to my full height, so I was now towering over him.

But, Legolas didn't seem  intimidated in the least as he matched me for everything but the height difference.

We had the same muscular  builds, sharp jaws, and cool silver-blue eyes.  The only difference was the shades of our hair, mine being a shade lighter , and our height difference.

"You would dare strike your own king over the pretense of a girl?!" I shouted into his face and watched with prickling awareness, as he  jerked his fist free from my grip before stepping back.

Lowering his head, he mumbled, " forgive me , my king. My control slipped, but it won't happen again."

Giving a barely ac- knowledgeable nod, Legolas straightened his form before bowing his head and marching off  towards the throne doors.

Just as he reached them, I called out his name and he turned stiffly back around to face me.

 Before I could stop myself, the words slipped out, " stay away from her."

And  in the next instant the doors slammed shut behind my son, and I was left to mull over my own  confused thoughts.

Where had all of this come from?

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