chapter 4

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Willow listened as the phone rang she hoped that Marc wasn't at work she heard Marc pick up on the other end of the phone saying " hey sunshine, what's up?" Willow smiled to herself before saying " I went to Ivers apartment he didn't answer" she could hear Marc sigh " yeah I know he just showed up here about an hour or two ago " willow let out a sigh of relief " can me and Wil come over ?" Marc said " yeah I'll go pick you guys up" she said " no it's fine I have my car we will be over there soon" Marc said a quick "see you soon"

Willow hung up the phone and grabbed her jacket and car keys she headed to Wil's room when she got into his room she said " Come on we're going over to Mal's " Wil's eyes widened and asked " did something happen to baby Jack?" Willow looked at Wil saying" no nothing is wrong with Jack but Iver showed up there I want to see if he's okay is all'' Wil nodded " oh okay let's go then" as they left they got into willows car.

As they got into the car, selene was in her room making sure she had submitted All the work that needed to be turned in she heard a knock on her door and selene looked towards her doorway to see her brother. She let out a small sigh asking" what's wrong?" Selene watched as Riley walked over to her bed and sat down " nothing's wrong but I was thinking we could have a movie night unless you are too busy" he pointed towards her computer selene smiled while saying" yes let's have a movie night. What movie are we going to watch?" Riley sat down on his sisters bed and suggested many different movies once they decided on one Riley went downstairs to make the popcorn and selene found the movie as she set up her computer for movie night she looked towards her phone she noticed she had a message from willow

Selene clicked on the message and read it she answered willow back " yeah I have a younger brother named Riley" selene sent the message and Riley came in with the popcorn and asked " are you ready?" She got comfortable and they both laid down and watched the movie together. While the two siblings watched the movie neither of them heard the front door open their father had came home from work when he went upstairs he was surprised that Riley wasn't in his 

room so he was about to knock on Selene's door when he saw that they were both laying down on selene's bed he smiled as he saw his children watching a movie together he went to his room leaving them alone to watch the movie

Willow and Wil had made it to the calder residence they didn't even have to knock on the door Marc had already seen willows car pulling up so he was waiting for them at the Wil went right inside but before Marc let willow inside he said " sunshine he's not doing so good" willow looked at Marc she could tell something was wrong so she asked " what do you mean he's not doing good?" He looked at her that's when he realized she didn't know what happened to Mal he just said " right now he's really drunk so just please be careful" willow said " I'll be careful now let me see Iver" Marc let willow and closed the door behind him he took her to the living room willow saw Iver sitting on the floor.

She took in his appearance his hair was messy and clothes were all disheveled she moved closer mumbling out " Iver?" Although his name sounded like a question as it rolled off her tongue Iver looked up seeing willow his were filled with tears she sat down next him on the floor and he started to cry willow wrapped her arms around him he did the same they held each other close that if they let go one of them might leave. While willow was downstairs with Iver and Marc wil was upstairs checking on Mal and baby Jack when he knocked on the door he saw mal putting jack into his crib she noticed Wil standing there and she smiled at him and he did the same smiling back as she made a gesture for him to come in so Wil did he whispered " are you guys okay?" Mal shook her head yes before saying " yeah it's just my brother is back and he hasn't been okay since…" Mal had went silent but wil knew what she was talking about he didn't have the guts to say it either he ignored the ending part and asked " does Marc know about that night?" Mal said " yes I told him when I found out about baby Jack" 

Wil didn't know what else to ask he just wanted to make sure everyone was okay but he knew his sister would have questions he told Mal " willow doesn't know I didn't tell her" Mal said " why haven't you told her she should know I mean it's why your team hurts you" Wil looked down he felt guilty for not telling willow but he needed to protect her He mumbled " I'm trying to keep her safe and it's not my story to tell Mal" he sat down on her bed and Mal just watched him she let out a sigh telling wil " you can tell her I trust your sister with my life wil she needs to know and besides it's not good to keep secrets from siblings" 

Wil shook his head mumbling out" fine I'll tell her Today when we get home." While Mal and Wil continued to talk Riley and selene were finishing their movie but right as the action scene was about to start Selene's phone started to ring selene looked at the screen to see who it was the phone screen read Carter Riley let out small yell " come on Sel you can't be serious" selene paused the movie and answered her phone she said "hello" Carter said "selene hi I wanted to see if you would like to hangout with me tomorrow if you don't have plans" selene smiled she wanted to but she was going to be busy selene said " I can't tomorrow but maybe some other time if not we will always see each other on our ways to class and we can try and talk then"

Carter told selene " yeah that's fine" before he could hang up selene said " thank you for asking me though Carter'' he told her your welcome and hung up the phone. Riley looked at his sister and said " you don't want to hang out with him?" Selene said " I can't ryls I have assignments to do" Riley just shook his head saying " you should risk it one of these days sel " selene gave a small smile before saying " I'm going to head to bed you should also " Riley listened grabbing the empty popcorn bag and went downstairs to throw it away as he came back upstairs going to his room before he went to his room he saw his sisters light was still on and she was still on her computer doing something most likely her assignments riley walked to his room and laid down soon falling asleep.

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