Pokemon Sword and Shield X Kamen rider Zero one: Others True Memories

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(This takes place after Others True Feelings)


1st memories of 2

A girl wearing a British high school uniform and has brunette hair, she is standing at the edge of a building and looking down

She seems to be suicidal and wanted to jump off, "I... I can't take it anymore... I tried my best to move on... What I get is nothing... No one can fix my life as of now..." The girl said

She was about to jump but someone stops her before she could

"If you jump, I'll jump as well," a voice was heard from behind her that made her stopped

She turns around to see someone wearing the same uniform as her and has brown hair, and he is on the roof of the building as well with her

"Aren't you... Victor Aizen?" The girl said his name

"Yeah, that's me," Victor responded while getting close to her

"Stay away from me, or else I will jump!" the girl said to Victor

"Your name is Gloria, am I right?" Victor asked after saying her name

"Yeah? So what are you going to do? Say that thing where you try to cure my depression with some stupid words?!" Gloria asked

"No, I encourage you to jump," Victor replied

Gloria was shocked to hear his response, "Y-you what!?" She asked

"I said do it, so I can jump too," Victor replied while getting on the edge and beside her

She was left speechless and staring at him

He turns his head to her, "C'mon, let's jump, I can be impatient to wait for you," Victor said

Gloria then gets off the edge and is on the roof's floor

"W-why are you doing this? You have something that I don't, that is-" Gloria was cut off by Victor

"You and I have something in common, that is our mental health," Victor said while getting off the edge and walking up to her

"What are you talking about? You're the grandson of a popular technology company," Gloria said

"I may have those fortune, but I'm just like any normal person. I have something that every normal person has, I'm not just a spoiled person that's lucky to be born into a wealthy family," Victor responded

"... Are you trying to-" Gloria was interrupted

"No, I'm not intending to have a relationship with you. It's that I want to be a friend," Victor said

"A friend?" Gloria said

"It's stupid for sure, but I want to be friends with you," Victor replied

"Just... That won't be enough to cure my depression..." Gloria said

"Who said I was going to cure it?" Victor asked

Gloria looks at him surprised, "Wait you aren't?" She asked

"No, depression isn't like a disease that can be cured with a vaccine or medical pills. It's a mental problem that can't be cured by those sometimes," Victor replied

"Then, why are you trying to be my friend?" She asked

"Because I went through the same phase as yours," Victor responded

"You... Went through the same thing as I've suffered?" Gloria asked

"Yes. That is bullying, am I right?" Victor asked

Pokemon Sword and Shield X Kamen Rider Zero One: The Rising DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now