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I'm not sure where Priya found Macy but she did. Cato called a car while we waited for her.

All I could do was sit on their sofa, numb. You get to a point of crying when it hurts so bad, that you get numb all you could do was just sit there, not speak even if you wanted to.

How does my mom not remember my dad? They've been together for 21 years.

21 years! And what? She takes who knows what and that all got erased? I don't even know how to even comprehend that.

Where did she get he's a dead beat? Or was she thinking about her pitiful self?

I feel my eyes burning, I blink a couple times shaking my head slightly. What did she get herself into?

The car pulled up shortly after, I just want to get home. I'm glad we're going home.

" We'll see you later." Cato tells his parents.

Mrs.Hadley gives a half smile, her eyes still puffy. She comes over making me stand up giving her a hug. " We love you so, so much Kaylaya. And I'm so sorry this happened. We'll get this figured out for you ok?"

All I could do was nod, I would thank her. But.. this happened, not that it was her fault. I also nodded because my hurt and I didn't want to cry anymore.

I know I will, but if I can save some sorrow for myself I'll try.

I don't think I've ever cried this much in my life then what I cried this last year and a half.

Cato and the girls all follow me to the car, I see some peacekeepers make their way to my house, used to be my house.

Zane works fast.

I suck in my cheeks looking away quickly, not crying again.

I give her maybe a month max before I get the news she's dead to. Though I think it'll be better, if I got through my dads I can get through hers easily.

Maybe more since she said that. That women is not my mother.

We were never close but she sure wasn't like that.

The girls were on either side of me, holding me while Cato was on the other side, looking at us occasionally his leg tapping. The driver took off right away, driving hastily out of town.

" What did she say? Only if you want to.." Macy said slowly, I know she didn't want to upset me which I appreciated.

Priya flashed her eyes from her to me, Cato was already looking at me.

I can hear Cato in my head, it's better to talk about it. That's been the theme since my games, which is somewhat true.

I adjusted. " Whatever she's on.. It changed her. She didn't even know who my dad was. She wished I was dead."

Macy's eyes soften, " I'm sorry. I know what those kind of drugs can do to a person... My dad." She trails off.

Priya gives her a sympathetic look, it's easy to forget she comes from a bad situation considering how nice and hardworking she is.

I would ask her how she get through it, but I don't think that's the right thing to say. She still lives with her parents when she's not at Priya's or my house.

At least I have my life figured out and my own home. I have it I guess better then some.

" She doesn't deserve you, you know." Priya said giving a small smile. " After all that happened, she can't blame you. She never reached out to you in the Capitol. If someone was to go off in the deep end, it would be you. She has no reason to do what she did."

Meridia: The Fall (Book 2 Cato Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now