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Louis: Harry : (

Louis: Harryyy!!! :, (

Harry: What's wrong?

Harry: Why are you upset? Do I need to kill someone?

Louis: I'm upset, and you can't tell but I'm pouting : (

Harry: What's wrong love?

Louis: I went clothes shopping today and I went in the dressing room and tried on these jeans that didn't fit, and While I was in the dressing room these employees were laughing. And they were whispering about me.

Harry: What were they saying?

Louis: They said "did you see his bum?" And the other one was like "ignore his ass! Did you see those thighs! No way those pants are going to fit!" And now I'm upset. : (

Louis: I'm fat.

Harry: Louis!!!!

Harry: Don't say that.

Harry: You're not fat!

Louis: How do you know?

Harry: I don't.

Louis: Exactly

Harry: That doesn't mean anything. Louis, it doesn't matter what you look like to what size you are. You are perfect, and you shouldn't listen to anything anyone says. You are beautiful it doesn't matter if your bum is big, or your thighs are thick, you are beautiful no matter what.

Louis: Awee Hazz...

Harry: Plus, the bigger your bum is the more of it to grab ;)

Louis: Harry!

Harry: My hands are pretty big too

Louis: HARRY!!!

Harry: ;)

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